... Vettasjärvi ; Äi = Äijäjärvi . given as 2 sigma . The 87 Sr / Sr Ratios , normal- ized to 86Sr / 88 Sr = 0.1194 , and the 87Rb / 86Sr ratios are accurate within ± 0.04 and ± 0.5 % , re- spectively . The lead analyses have been cor ...
... Vettasjärvi granite and the Fellings- bro type granites are also included in Fig . 4. The results for the Ale granite and the fields for the other two granite types overlap , but the typical minimum - melt type Vettasjärvi granite is ...
... Vettasjärvi granite . ( a ) Alkali - lime index , ( b ) Q - P , ( c ) A - B . The positions of the characteristic minerals are indicated on the inset . ( d ) R1 - R2 . See Fig . 5d . Samples from the Storuman 2 - mica granite which do ...
... Vettasjärvi. Yes, it is far from here, but the Norrbotten villages keep in touch with each other. Seventy people live in Vettasjärvi and those seventy haven't changed since... well, for at least fifteen years. There has never been a ...
... Vettasjärvi granite ( c . 1.8 Ga , Skiöld 1981a ) occurring in a large low - magnetic area north- east of Gällivare , the barren diapiric Arvidsjaur granite ( 1.79 Ga ) and the late tectonic granites ( c . 1.75 Ga ) occur- ring in the ...
... Vettasjärvi is the northernmost locality for Fissidens Julianus . Nostoc Zetterstedtii occurs abundantly . July 21 , 1961. Photo G. Lohammar . Fig . 10. Lake Vettasjärvi . Cicuta virosa grows luxuriantly on the shore of a nearly ...
... Vettasjärvi- området jämte värdering av området ur natur- skyddssynpunkt . 11 s . + bildbilaga . 1962 : Jakttagelser över växtvärlden inom Vuotnajärvi- området . 11 s . + bildbilaga . 1967 : Utan titel . Om naturvärdena vid Vettasjärvi ...
... VETTASJÄRVI VETTAS JARVI VETTAS JOKI VETTE VETTEKULLA 21 41 E 21 41 E 21 42 E 22701 02 22701 02 22701 02 VIALMSUDDE VIALMSUDDE SEE VIALMSUDD VIARED 11 15 E 22713 00 VIAREDSS JON 14 56 E 22723 01 VIARP 16 55 E 22720 01 19 00 E 22725 00 ...
... Vettasjärvi » i den stencilerade » Keino- suando Hembygdstidning 1957-1958 » , i förkortad form även i årsskriften Tornedalen , nr 16 , 1969 . Han skriver sid . 5 ff .: » Vettasjärvistaven , som äges av f . småskollärarinnan Anna ...
... Vettasjärvi is the northernmost locality for Fissidens Julianus . Nostoc Zetterstedtii occurs abundantly . July 21 , 1961. Photo G. Lohammar . Fig . 10. Lake Vettasjärvi . Cicuta virosa grows luxuriantly on the shore of a nearly ...