orientalisk ljuskrona from
... Lampa ( or Lumba ) seems to have been given , and the word is probably foreign , that is , non - Indian . Lampa is described by the pilgrims as being above 1000 li in circuit , having on the north the Snow mountains and on the other ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... Lampa , Lampas . A rug design of nineteenth - century Karabagh in the Caucasus . Rugs of this design have the longest format of Karabagh rugs ; the shape ratio is about 3.70 . The field contains medallions with eight lobes alternating ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... oriental peoples . The use of hieroglyphics among the Mexican nations appears to have been posterior to their establishment in New Spain . Before the introduction of symbolic characters these nations used the quipus , or skein of ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... Lampa , Paucarcolla , and even as far inland as Santa Cruz de la Sierra , on a mountain near Saniaypata , the most remarkable of which will be hereafter particularly described . The second peculiarity noticed in the architecture of the ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... oriental peoples . The use of hieroglyphics among the Mexican nations appears to have been posterior to their establishment in New Spain . Before the introduction of symbolic characters these nations used the quipus , or skein of ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... lampa so rigs lung byed mkhan *śsors Rin chen sgrol ma ***** ris medios 3 Riyue Dalang H H K FK rjes gnang Ross rka * Rkagsar * Rkagsar dgon dga' ldan 'dus bzang chos gling **Rossssssssss rlung rta $55 Rma chu go, Rma chu'irab kha dngul ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... Lampa , Paucarcolla , and even as far inland as Santa Cruz de la Sierra , on a mountain near Saniaypata , the most remarkable of which will be hereafter particularly described . The second peculiarity noticed in the architecture of the ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... lampa sig alle de andre med lika åndelser i alle perfonis præteritorum , med tika begynnelser och åndelser i alle perfonis fu- turorum , med lika begynnelser participiorum , utom Kal och Niphal , med lika endelser in per- fonis ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... lampa ( farm house ) is then built , always sited centrally in cultivated . Such farm houses are smaller versions of the are quite substantial structures meant for several years of few are used for more than 5 years , for as soon as the ...
orientalisk ljuskrona from
... Lampa , Paucarcolla , and even as far inland as Santa Cruz de la Sierra , on a mountain near Saniaypata , the most remarkable of which will be hereafter particularly described . The second peculiarity noticed in the architecture of the ...