orientalisk Volang from
This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature.
orientalisk Volang from
... volang . Ordet kommer från spanskans mameluco som bland annat är en benämning på ett slags soldater i muslimsk tjänst , de så kallade mamlukerna , varav vissa bar bylsiga , löst hängande byxor av orientalisk typ - därav kopplingen till ...
orientalisk Volang from
Svenska slöjdföreningens tidskrift. ↑ Orientalisk trio , picknick - kit av Ulrika Casselbrant , textil åk 1 ... volang- er och spetsar i bomull , pärlor , paljetter , guld och glitter . Sydde på applikationer : nyckelpiga ...
orientalisk Volang from
Between the two world wars, Paris served as the setting for unparalleled freedom for expatriate as well as native-born French women, who enjoyed unprecedented access to education and opportunities to participate in public, artistic and ...
orientalisk Volang from
"For liveliness and inventiveness alone, Delaunay deserves a place in the art history books.... Her designs vibrate on the pages." -Vogue
orientalisk Volang from
Bringing together internationally renowned scholars across a range of disciplines, this vibrant volume explores the history and significance of the relationship between modernism and fashion and examines how the intimate connection between ...
orientalisk Volang from
This second edition also features a new chapter on internet sources and online ethnography, reflecting the adoption of social media tools not only by industry practitioners but also by academics.
orientalisk Volang from
The book gives a clear summary of the theories surrounding the role and function of fashion in modern society, and examines how fashion plays a crucial role in the formation of modern identity through its articulation of the body, gender ...