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inauthor: William Spalding från
... in author's possession . Stew- art performed this interview as part of her dissertation research . See Mary ... Spalding , was refused access to certain parts of Percy's papers before the estate donated the papers to the archive ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
... WILLIAM SPALDING , Professor of Logic , Rhetoric , and Metation , Pauses , Inflections , Accent , and Emphasis ... in Author of Xenophon's Anabasis , Books I. and IL , with copious Preceptors , Author of The Elements of Astronomy ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
Kudos fullbordar med överväldigande kraft Rachel Cusks hyllade trilogi, som inleddes med Konturer och följdes av Transit. Den hör till vår tids stora litterära bedrifter.
inauthor: William Spalding från
... WILLIAM CRAMOND , M.A. , Schoolmaster of Cullen . Volume First . Aberdeen Printed for the IN this interesting volume , and in its successor , New Spalding Club . 1891. [ 385 pp . ] it cannot be denied that historical justice is being ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
... William. “Utah Football Union.” in Spalding's Official “Soccer” Guide 1923–1924. New York: American Sports ... IN: Author House, 2008. Sniderman Bachrach, Julia. The City in a Garden: A Photographic History of Chicago's Parks ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
... William Dillon , unpublished memoir , pp . 10-11 , WWII Survey # 2034 , USAMHI ; Frank Ciarpelli , questionnaire ... Spalding , question- naire , both in Ryan Collection , Mahn Center ; A Company , B Com- pany , C Company , E ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
Adolphus Spalding Worrell. 5 5 18 And I also say to you , that you are turning , He said to Peter , " Get behind Peter , and upon this rock3 I will build My Me , Satan ! you are a stumbling - block to assembly , and the gates of Hades ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
... William Agnew , Esq . Charles Barry , Esq . W. C. T. Dobson , Esq . A.R.A. Edward Groom , Esq . Dr. Edward Hamilton ... Spalding , Esq . Joseph Somes , Esq . M.P. Right Hon . Lord Viscount Strangford . Rev. Edward Thring , M.A. Rev ...
inauthor: William Spalding från
... William Johnson's Natchez , 2 : 763 , 1 : 351 ; Daily Savannah Republican , 23 January 1847 , stnt , in author's ... Spalding & Rogers , ” ce , 2 January 1855 , 3 , RBP . 33. Thayer , “ Some Class Distinctions in the Early NOTES TO ...