10 okt. 2013 · Overall, even with all the distortion, the Sigma 4.5mm F2. 8 Fisheye was actually very good.
The Simga 4.5mm Fisheye is a treat to use and produces some stunning images. While use of standard front mounted filters limits the overall coverage, the fact ...
30 juni 2010 · This Sigma 4.5mm Fisheye is a unique lens. The results are very pleasing, and most importantly: it's great fun. It's really different from anything else in my ...
24 nov. 2009 · Pros: high build quality,; excellent picture quality in the frame centre,; good work against bright light,; low coma,; moderate astigmatism, ...
Betyg (5)
The build quality is top notch, plenty of weight and a premium feel. The mount is stainless, the distance scale is behind a window, and the focus ring stays put ...
6 maj 2020 · It is a unique lens of its kind. Sigma 4.5 / 2.8 creates an image inscribed in a circle, with a viewing angle of 180 degrees.
24 nov. 2009 · The 10 mm focal length model gives 180 degrees angle of view only on 1.5x sensor. On a Canon the angle changes to 167 degrees.
Recension av The Imaging Resource
The f/2.8 large aperture value produces a bright image in the viewfinder and allows photographers to take pictures in low light conditions, making it an ideal ...
8 maj 2013 · The HSM is fast and quiet. It was dark when I finally got things working, and time for bed, but I went outside to snag a couple shots before ...
Fler frågor du kan ställa
I can attest to that flare-reducing quality as I shot with the lens mostly at night in and around New York City's Times Square, a bizarre area that to me ...
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