... RÍO. TERIBE. AND. THE. NASO. A trip up the Río Teribe is one of the most memorable experiences Bocas del Toro has to offer, and it makes for a nice change of scene for those getting island fever in the archipelago. This is the homeland of ...
... of a tropical rainforest . It can be rather mild and pleasantly breezy upriver . Wekso Wekso is about 40 minutes to an hour up the Río Teribe from El Silencio . It has a grim history as the former site of Pana - Jungla , a jungle ...
... Rio Chica Teribe del Isla de Punta Los Pájaros Isla Playa Boca Colón Bluff N Drago La Gruta Bahía Isla Almirante ... pumilio , whose skin secretes a toxic substance . Its skin shows a wide pal- ette of colours ranging from vivid ...
... of the park to the Costa Rican frontier at Río Sereno . It's a lovely ... Teribe area at the north end of the park , but you'd need a boat and guide ... pumilio , has evolved particularly dramatically . Re- lated to the frogs ...
... Rio de Janeiro , Mr. Battye was thrown overboard from the upper deck by a ... Pumilio Pine Extract into an ordinary bath filled with water to any ... o'clock in 38 MAY 7 , 1889 THE EUROPEAN MAIL.
... Rio Cabuya Agroforestry Project Panama 1. iguana / Agouti paca PA045 Wildlife Use in the Kuna Community Panama ... Teribe Harpia harpyja Carludovica palmata Codorata / Calliodora / C.palmata CR01 Protection of the Green Macaw ...
... o Puerto Bories , y que de vez en cuando visitan la costa , en busca de leña ... terrible fama de que goza este fiord , por los violentos huracanes que ... pumilio ) en el aserradero del Río Rubens cerca de Natales Puerto Natales ...
... of Wild Fauna and Flora Canada. Environment Canada. Status , family Situation ... terrible Dendrobates pumilio Phyllobates terribilis Rana de punta de flecha ... Río Palenque * Epipedobates erythromos Rana venenosa del Río ...
... terrible sabueso . El mismo no logró el pri- mer ejemplar hasta ... o amarillento ; con las timoneras cen- trales pardo oscuras y las laterales ... pumilio y el Indicator indicator . Dire- mos solamente unas palabras sobre ...