Biography. Khamtool (KamTul) is a living Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) , located at the Elephant Life Experience (E.L.E.), in Thailand.
People also ask
What are the three stages of the elephant?

What are the different life stages and milestones in an elephant's age classification compared to humans?

Calf: A newborn elephant is called a calf. ...
Juvenile: After the calf stage, elephants enter the juvenile phase. ...
Sub-Adult: The sub-adult stage starts around the teenage years, typically between 10 to 14 years of age.
What is the life process of an elephant?
Life-cycle The natural life span of the elephant is generally between 50 and 70 years but some have been known to survive for more than 80 years. Elephant calves need milk for the first two years of their lives but often continue to suckle until they are four years old.
What is the age limit of an elephant?
They're the world's largest land animal Males only reach their full size at 35-40 years - that's well over half their lifespan as wild elephants can live for up to 60-70 years.
What are the three types of elephants?
There are three different species of elephants: the African savanna, or bush, elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. The African forest elephant, recognized as a separate species in 2000, is smaller than the savanna elephant.
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