Csami is a living Female ♀ African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) , located at the Erfurt Zoo, in Germany. Csami arrived in 1999-01-13 to the Erfurt Zoo ...
The elephants Csami and Safari are standing in their outdoor enclosure in the Thuringian Zoo Park. Here, "60 years of elephant keeping in Erfurt" was ...
Elephant cows should have the first calf under 25 years of age. And Csami is 25 years old, and still had no calf, although she mated several times ...
Aug 12, 2020 · In the coming days she will be introduced to her other enclosure mates, including elephant bull Kibo, as well as elephant cows Safari and Csami.
Mar 22, 2023 · ♀ Csami born 1995; ♂ Kibo born 2005-10-09; ♀ Safari born 1971 ... Recommended Citation. Koehl, Dan (2024). Erfurt Zoo, Elephant Encyclopedia.
Elephant Csami, Loxodonta africana , female, born 01.01.1994, lives in Erfurt -Thüringer Zoopark Germany Europa.
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Jul 25, 2006 · The 10-year-old African elephant Csami sucks on a big block of ice candy, composed of a mix of fruit and vegetables frozen in ice, ...
Elephant Csami, Loxodonta africana , weiblich, born 01.01.1994, lives in Erfurt -Thüringer Zoopark Deutschland Europa.
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Csami ist eine Afrikanische Elefantenkuh im Zoopark Erfurt. Sie traf ... Eintrag von Csami in der Datenbank von ...
Jul 26, 2005 · AP Photo/Jens Meyer Csami, a 10-year-old African elephant sucks on a big block of ice candy, composed of a mix of fruit and vegetables ...