Elephant Cilly, Elephas maximus , female, born 01.01.1920, lives in Leipzig - Zoo Leipzig Germany Europe.
Cilly is a dead Female ♀ Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), , who died 1951-07-21 at Leipzig Zoo, in Germany, . Official death reason described as pushed ...
Elephant Cilly, Elephas maximus , female, born 01.01.1920, lives in Leipzig - Zoo Leipzig Germany Europe.
Asian elephants at the Zoologischer Garten Leipzig, Official Homepage. Zoo Elephants, Elephant History ... 0.1 Cilly, 19.04.42 from Cir. Sarrasani - 21.07.51 ...
Elephant Cilly, Elephas maximus , femenino, born 01.01.1920, lives in Leipzig - Zoo Leipzig Alemania Europe.
Elephant Cilly, Elephas maximus , weiblich, born 01.01.1920, lives in Leipzig - Zoo Leipzig Deutschland Europa.
Dec 18, 2021 · and third last time was with the female elephant Vilja in Wilhelma Zoo ... † ♀ EM -Cilly-, Born wild 1915-1920 x Dead 1951-07-21, 1942-04-19 ...
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May 27, 2017 · Cilly Feindt. German postcard by Ross Verlag, Berlin, no. 3277/1 ... Johnny Weismuller and Elephant. Dutch postcard, no. 751. Photo ...
RM EWTKE4–An elephant act at a Bertram Mills Circus performance. 19th December 1958. heart_plus.
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