A thorough, exhaustively researched history of the California Gold Rush retraces the monumental movement of more than thirty thousand fortune seekers who headed west to find gold in the 1840s. Reprint. (History)
Ronald N. Satz’s American Indian Policy in the Jacksonian Era uses the perspectives of both ethnohistory and public administration to analyze the formulation, execution, and results of government policies of the 1830s and 1840s.
But he squandered what successes he had, never rendezvoused with Grant’s army, and ultimately orchestrated some of the greatest military blunders of the war. “Banks’s faults as a general,” writes author Stephen A. Dupree, “were ...
But he squandered what successes he had, never rendezvoused with Grant’s army, and ultimately orchestrated some of the greatest military blunders of the war. “Banks’s faults as a general,” writes author Stephen A. Dupree, “were ...
The book offers an original interpretation of the Spaniards' conquest, colonization, and destruction of pre-Columbian cultures in Mexico and the Caribbean.
But he squandered what successes he had, never rendezvoused with Grant's army, and ultimately orchestrated some of the greatest military blunders of the war. "Banks's faults as a general," writes author Stephen A. Dupree, "were legion.