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Spain's Costa Blanca beaches CLOSED for swimming as Portuguese Man O' Wars invade

An 11-year-old boy hospitalised after sting from one of the jellyfish-type creatures at tourist hot-spot

The deadly tentacles of the Portuguese man o' war

Half-term holidaymakers heading to Spain's Costa Blanca could be confined to the swimming pool if they fancy a dip.

That is because an invasion of Portuguese Man O' Wars has closed most of the region's beaches to swimmers.

At the weekend, an 11-year-old boy was taken to hospital after suffering a sting from a Man O' War at La Marina beach near Elche on the Costa Blanca.

The jellyfish-type creatures carry a potentially deadly sting in their tentacles, which can grow up to 50 metres.

A Portuguese Man O' War that has been washed on to a beach

Around 75 miles of coastline has now been closed to the public. Nearly every beach from El Campello - which is north of Alicante - down to Pillar de La Horadada - which is south of Murcia - is currently off limits.

Only two beaches on that stretch of coastline are still open to holidaymakers. As it stands there have been no Man O' War sightings at either San Juan or El Postigue - both of which are just north of Alicante and remain open.

But there have been sightings of the deadly creatures as far south as Orihuela Costa.

Orihuela Town Hall tweeted: “We ask you to be careful because of the presence of Portuguese Men O’War on our coastline. They shouldn’t be touched.