Savannah Miller

Wearable Art

Image may contain Hat Clothing Apparel Human Person and Dress

On Sunday, my good friend, Plum Sykes, asked me to be on the judging panel for the wearable art festival in our local village, Painswick. Obviously with Plum being involved this was one fashion fabulous event! Keith Allen was our compere, and other judges include the incredible milliner Stephen Jones, Detmar Blow, Beatrix Ong, Daniel Chadwick and Lulu Guinness. The festival was set up by local fabric hero Tim Davies, as a way to get the community to come together and be creative. And crikey what a turnout! I was so impressed with the effort that everyone had made, particularly the little children who showed some amazing imagination with very limited resources (a lot of the garments were made from recycled materials). Here are some of my favourites from the day.

Watch this space, I predict this lot will go far. Visit for more info.