Celebrity Beauty

Watson's Way

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Emma Watson, actress. <A target=”_blank” href="http://www.vogue.co.uk/search/default.aspx?Keywords=WATSON">READ MORE ABOUT EMMA WATSON HERE</a>PA Photos

EMMA WATSON says that her short haircut lets her unleash her sexy side when it comes to applying make-up. "I think it's made me more bold, there's no way to hide when you have short hair," the Vogue cover girl told Stylelist. "Because I think it's quite boyish, you can take it a bit further the other way and be a bit sexier because it's kind of not too much. I'm really into doing a Twiggy mascara. So I'll do bottom lashes and top lashes." SEE THE BEST CELEBRITY PIXIE CROPS The British actress - who is the current face of Lancôme - also talked about her beauty icons, admitting that the natural look is what inspires her most. "Mia Farrow was a big inspiration for the haircut," Watson explained. "Diane Kruger, she always does her own make-up and always looks great. And then if I'm going to look back... I love Charlotte Rampling. All of those French actresses who don't really look like they're wearing anything or like they tried very hard are definitely the coolest." YOU SHOULD SEE: Watson's style, then and now... YOU SHOULD SEE: The best celebrity pixie crops... YOU SHOULD SEE: Watson's latest move...