A Likely Lad by Pete Doherty — the Libertines singer’s confessional memoir

The singer looks back on his heroin addiction and the day Kate Moss burnt his beloved childhood bear called Pandy

Belle et la bête: Pete Doherty with Kate Moss in 2007
Belle et la bête: Pete Doherty with Kate Moss in 2007
The Sunday Times

In 2003, shortly after he realised that he had become a full-blown heroin addict, Pete Doherty was playing the Coachella festival in California with his fractious, fractured band the Libertines. On a mission to be “the most f***ed-up person in the world”, he was lying in a bush with a bottle of whiskey when Iggy Pop, once notoriously drug-fuelled, ran past sipping water. “He stopped and said something like, ‘I’ve been there, but now I’m into jogging,’ ” Doherty recalls forlornly. “Even Iggy Pop had abandoned me.”

In a Hollywood biopic, this might have been the great redemptive epiphany, but, as anyone who has read a tabloid in the past 20 years will know, that’s not how it panned out. Instead Doherty’s unhappy dedication to