The 6 Best Hamstring Stretches for Tight Muscles and More Flexibility

best hamstring stretches: woman doing an extended hand to foot yoga pose
Photo: Peter Ardito

Sore after a long run or lower-body workout day? Or just want to finally be able to touch your toes? These are the best hamstring stretches for loosening you up in all the right ways.

Here, the six moves are demonstrated by Mallory Hewell, a NASM-certified functional movement specialist, strength coach, and co-owner of Jallory Fitness personal training. (And once your hammies are stretched out, try these hamstring exercises that aren't deadlifts.)

01 of 06


best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating an inchworm stretch
Peter Ardito

This classic warm-up move is the perfect way to warm up for your workout and get ready for more hamstring stretches. Bonus: It doubles as a core strengthener as well.

A. Start standing with feet hips-width apart.

B. Hinge at the hips to fold forward, reaching palms to the floor (bending knees if necessary).

C. Keeping core tight and legs straight (but not locked), walk hands forward to come to a high plank position.

D. Pause, then reverse the movement to walk hands back to feet and stand to return to start.

Do 5 to 10 reps.

02 of 06

Standing Hamstring Scoop

best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating a standing hamstring scoop stretch
Peter Ardito

How do you stretch hamstrings without getting on the floor (which you probably don't want to do after a long flight or when you're waiting in line for coffee after a run)? Try this standing hamstring stretch anytime you're feeling a little tight.

A. Stand with feet hips-width apart.

B. Shift weight into left foot and extend right leg slightly forward so heel rests on the floor.

C. Reach arms diagonally toward right foot, sit hips back, and bend left knee until there's a stretch in the right hamstring.

D. Hold for 10 seconds. Switch sides; repeat.

Do 3 reps per side.

03 of 06

Downward Dog Bend and Stretch

best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating a downward dog bend and stretch pose
Peter Ardito

Many yoga moves are perfect for working on your hamstring mobility, such as this variation of downward dog.

A. Start on all fours in a tabletop position.

B. Lift hips up and back, gently straightening legs to move into downward dog.

C. Bend both knees slightly, reaching tailbone toward the ceiling. Hold for 3 counts.

D. Straighten legs to fully extend into downward dog. Hold for 3 counts.

Do 5 to 10 reps.

04 of 06

Lunging Hamstring Stretch

best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating a lunging hamstring stretch pose
Peter Ardito

This modified lunge is a great way to stretch tight hamstrings as well as the hip flexor on the opposite side.

A. Start in a lunge position with right leg forward, left heel lifted.

B. Lower palms to the floor to frame right foot. Hold for 3 counts.

B. Send hips back and gently straighten the right leg, keeping spine long. Hold for 3 counts.

Do 3 to 5 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

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Moving Low Lunge

best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating a moving low lunge stretch
Peter Ardito

Get even deeper into your lunges by lowering the back knee. You'll open both the front and back of your hips (including your hamstrings) with this move.

A. Start in a lunge with right foot forward. Drop left knee to the floor to move into a low lunge.

B. Keeping back toes tucked, lean back to sit on rear foot, straightening right leg. Reach arms forward and keep spine long. Hold for 3 counts.

C. Shift hips forward into low lunge to stretch left hip flexor. Hold for 3 counts.

Do 3 to 5 reps. Switch sides; repeat.

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Lying Hamstring Stretch

best hamstring stretches: woman demonstrating a lying hamstring stretch
Peter Ardito

This hamstring stretch is especially useful for runners who tend to overexert their leg muscles without letting them cool down.

A. Lie faceup on the floor and loop a towel or resistance band around the ball of right foot.

B. Gently stretch leg straight up. Keep both knees straight, with opposite leg flat on the foor.

C. Relax ankle to stretch calf and hamstring.

Hold for 1 minute. Switch sides; repeat.

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