Miley Cyrus carnival shoot for 'The Last Song' still drawing crowds

Tiffany Sheppard
Actress Miley Cyrus on the set of "The Last Song" on Tybee Island. (Savannah Morning News)
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Excitement continued to spread across Tybee Island on Monday as spectators viewed the continuation of filming of the carnival scene for "The Last Song."

Much of the south end of the beach was closed as the cast, crew members and hundreds of extras worked on the film starring Miley Cyrus.

Those who weren't allowed on the set watched from the other side of the sand dunes, hoping to spot 16-year-old Miley.

Eight-year-old Destiny Reese of Pooler and her parents saw Miley get out of a car to walk to the carnival area, but they didn't get a chance to see her up close. However, Destiny has "Hannah Montana" with her on a regular basis. She has a guitar, toys, books, cups, posters and even clothes that show off her Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana spirit.

"I watch 'Hannah Montana' almost every day," said Destiny. "I'm a really big fan of hers."

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Miley Cyrus Tybee Carnival

Extras for Miley Cyrus Movie

Young girls aren't the only Miley fans visiting Tybee. Two best friends attempted to take pictures of the star from the pier.

"I watch 'Hannah Montana' every day," said 16-year-old Emily Gowin of Rincon, who attempted to take pictures of Miley from the Tybee Island pier on Monday. "Everything in my room is either Miley Cyrus or 'Hannah Montana.'"

Emily and her best friend, 16-year-old Jessica Hadden, visit each other's houses all the time and never miss Miley's television series.

"We also have CDs, posters, shirts and towels with 'Hannah Montana' on it," said Jessica.

While the two are big Miley fans, they've yet to be able to see her perform in concert. But when "The Last Song" comes out next year, both girls will be ready to wait outside for tickets.

"We're going to camp out and get a tent the day before it comes out," said Emily.

And while many people are watching the film from the outside, some have made their way in front of the camera.

Eight-year-old Nicholas McDuffee received a call on Friday asking him to come to the set to work as an extra.

"When we got there, he went to hair and makeup and we stayed in the holding area from 5 p.m. to 12 a.m.," said Nicholas' mother, Gina Sheley.

"I gave him Skittles and a Mountain Dew to help him stay up. We're usually sleeping by 9:30 p.m."

Nicholas ended up being cast in a scene featuring a juggling act.

"He did the 'ohs' and 'ahs' in the scene. He said that until 3 a.m.," Sheley said. "It was very exciting. But he did it mainly for experience."

Though Nicholas didn't get to see Miley, his mom said he wasn't too disappointed.

"He was really into them juggling," she said with a laugh.