As if those blazer, scarf, fleece combos weren't sexy enough, silver fox Kevin McCloud revealed that he wrote an episode of Grand Designs deliberately to get fans as drunk as possible after finding out they'd created a drinking game based on the Channel 4 programme.

Just another thing to add to our list of 10 surprisingly wonderful things you didn't know about Kevin McCloud.

1. He's multilingual

French, Italian and a bit of German, we're guessing it's his academic life at Cambridge that's done it. Still, he can speak French to us any time.

2. His style icon is Monsieur Hulot

A French film character created by comic Jacques Tati most noted for his trench coat, pipe and oddly-shaped hat. An intellectual choice even if we've never seen the films ourselves.

3. He's a control freak

All those pens and notepads, artfully placed in his blazer pockets. We can't be the only ones thinking just how long he'd spent putting them there.

4. He hates the word 'property'

'I don't do property,' he says. 'I don't use the word. It narks me when magazines write, "Grand Designs - return of the property show". No, actually, it is not property. It's not about people acting up or making money. It's about building to live,' he said in an interview with the Daily Mail.

5. He used to date Jan Ravens

And hang out with Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry. Granted, it was back in his university years, but still that's given him kudos in our book.

6. He's good with his hands

If you haven't seen Kevin McCloud's Man Made Home it's about time you did. The programme follows him as he builds a sustainable, eco-friendly cabin in the woods. Intellectual and handy are two prime components we always look for in any TV presenter.

7. He's just as well suited to the Royal Opera House as Channel 4

Yes, that fine tuned voice we could listen to every night of the week is also that of a semi-(ish)-professional baritone thanks to opera studies in Italy in his twenties.

8. He's knows how to wear a scarf

See below:

9. He prefers Woolworths to Ikea

Forget the rug he bought the one time he stepped foot inside the Scandi superstore, it's the cutlery from Woolworth's that takes pride of place in his kitchen drawers.

10. He loves pebbledash

The colour, the texture, the finish, Kevin loves it all. Could this be the only flaw to our obsession? We hope not.