Full Sleeve Tattoos And Designs

Andrew Howland
October 11, 2013 9 items
Ranked By
453 votes
191 voters
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Upvote the best full sleeve tattoo designs

Photo list of full sleeve tattoos on different people, including a variety of ink designs and art. Full sleeve tattoo designs are a reflection of the person who wears them. What are the best full sleeve tattoo designs? Some full sleeve tattoos are elaborate and large, featuring intricate, eye-catching designs that emphasize incredible artwork. Other full sleeve tats are more subtle, with sexy tattoos on the edges of the full sleeve. What full sleeve tattoo designs are the best? If you're considering getting some new ink, full sleeve tattoo art could be the way to go. This list includes some great full sleeve tattoo designs. Be sure to vote for your favorite tattoos and full sleeve tattoo placements, then vote down those that you don't like.

Good full sleeve tattoos are appropriate for both men and women. These pictures of full sleeve tattoos can also be voted on, so that the most popular full sleeve body art makes it up to the top. Full sleeve tattoos aren't for everyone, but they look awesome on the right person.

Men might opt for something intricate and bold as the full sleeve itself is the perfect canvas for that. Tribal tattoos work well on a sleeve as well. Some might choose to start with a sleeve tattoo and extend it up to the shoulders. Other full sleeve tattoos might be parts of a bigger chest or back piece.

Women might also opt for elaborate full sleeve tattoos, though many choose a more open design for a full sleeve tattoo. Celebrities like Kat Von D have full sleeve tattoo designs that incorporate a feminine element (hers has roses). Many women also have full sleeve tattoos that are inspired by celebrities.
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    87 VOTES

    3D Full Sleeve Tattoos

    3D Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Nobody messes with the dude with the robotic arm tattoo. A 3D full sleeve tattoo is a great attention grabber and a great way to utilize all the space on the arm.
    87 votes
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    38 VOTES

    Japanese Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Japanese Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Japanese designs are intricate and colorful and play out nicely over the length of a full sleeve tattoo.
    38 votes
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    29 VOTES

    Colorful Full Sleeve Tattoos

    You're working with a big area on the arm and adding a splash of color to a full sleeve tattoo makes it that much more attention grabbing. Black and white full sleeve tats can be very dramatic, but a colorful sleeve adds a pop of personality to the piece.
    29 votes
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    28 VOTES

    Ocean Waves Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Ocean Waves Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Just like the undulations of the ocean, the muscles in your arms expand and contract frequently in a wave-like motion. Take advantages of the natural movements of the body and get some full sleeve art that looks truly stunning.
    28 votes
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    33 VOTES

    Religious Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Whether you choose to focus on a single figure or object, or use your full sleeve tattoo to depict a scene of religious importance, the drama you get with full sleeve tattoos that deal with religion will make your tattoo that much more impressive.
    33 votes
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    24 VOTES

    Flower Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Flower Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    Flowers are a sure-fire approach to a sexy full sleeve tattoo. Flowering vines of roses look great going up and down the arm as does the drama of a bouquet that's been dropped and strewn about.
    24 votes
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    Dragon Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Dragon Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: flickr / CC0
    Dragons are awesome. You're thinking about getting a dragon on your full sleeve tat so you clearly already know this. Shave one of your armpits and make it breathe fire in that direction so it looks like all the hair's been scorched off. Boom. Rad tattoo.
    26 votes
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    40 VOTES

    Tribal Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Tribal Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY
    You can go big or intricate on a tribal sleeve tattoo. It's a great area for this kind of tattoo design. Make sure to check out other full sleeve tattoo pics before choosing your tribal design.
    40 votes
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    28 VOTES

    Words Full Sleeve Tattoos

    Words Full Sleeve Tattoos
    Photo: Metaweb / CC-BY
    There are a lot of words you can fit on full sleeve tattoos so you might as well take advantage of it. The words can be your main attraction with images and art filling in the rest of the sleeve tat, or you can just fill your arm with words.
    28 votes