Cassandra Rhodin for DOMINO MAGAZINE


For six years and counting, Cassandra Rhodin has been renovating her big red house in the Swedish countryside while simultaneously growing her cult-favorite children’s brand, Mini Rodini.

When Cassandra Rhodin saw the inside of her “totally destroyed” two-story home outside of Stockholm, her first thought was: We can make this work.

She and her husband, Jon, had been looking for a place close to the city for a while; they were hoping to move in right away. Not just because Rhodin had recently given birth to their third child, but because one of her other babies—Mini Rodini, the sustainable kids’ clothing brand she founded in 2006—was expanding fast. The catch: “We really didn’t want a house we’d have to renovate at all,” she recalls.

Photography by Petra Bindel Words by Christina Pérez Styling by Emma Persson Lagerberg





Edvina Berg