
Tête à Tête with Henri Cartier-Bresson at Porto Customs

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Marilyn Monroe, Coco Chanel, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Robert Kennedy, Edith Piaf and Martin Luther King! These are but some of the renowned notables that the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908-2004), head of the Magnum Photos Foundation, immortalized through his Leica, over a period of 70 years and which are part of the exhibition hosted by Porto Customs as of 31st October.

In total, 121 portrait photos by Henri Cartier-Bresson set up the exhibit "Tête à Tête, Portraits", a collective memoir that blends at time famous personalities and commoners.

All portraits are based in the "Tête à Tête" book (1998), and denote the "sensible regard of their author, who seemed to invade the intimacy of those portrayed, proving a feeling of familiarity", explains Ana Cristina Baptista, CEO of Art For You, the organiser of the display.

The exhibition is on show until 12th April 2020 and the visit costs 10 euros, which includes a tour to the photo display by photographers Luís Nobre, Pedro Mesquita, André Boto and Diogo Borges on the places where Cartier-Bresson photographed in the city of Porto, in 1955.

The profits from the sales go to the Association "O Joãozinho", which seeks funding for the new paediatric wing of the São João Hospital in Porto.

See here for more information.