Feel the passion of Carlo Crivelli in our art prints.

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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur

Feel the passion of Carlo Crivelli in our art prints.

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Carlo Crivelli
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Museum Quality Art Prints
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Österreichische Kunstmanufaktur Passionate Customer Service
Museum Quality Art Prints
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The most popular works of Carlo Crivelli

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Discover more artworks by Carlo Crivelli

158 artworks found

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Maria Magdalena. Um 1480
Undated | Tempera on wood

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The Crucifixion, c. 1487.
Undated |

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Madonna and Child, c.1468 (tempe...
1468 | tempera and oil on panel

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Saint George, 1472.
Undated |

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The Annunciation with St. Emidiu...
1486 | oil on panel, transferred to canvas

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Die Unbefleckte Empfängnis. 1492
Undated | egg tempera

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1486 | tempera and oil transferred from panel onto canvas

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1486 | tempera and oil transferred from panel onto canvas

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Madonna and Child, c. 1490.
Undated |

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Altartriptychon, linker Aufsatz
1482 | Unknown

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Die Verkündigung mit dem heilige...
Undated | Tempera and oil

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Undated | tempera on wood

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Undated | tempera on panel

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Carlo Crivelli

  August 7, 1500
   •   Early Renaissance   •   Wikipedia: Carlo Crivelli

Carlo Crivelli lived in Italy at the end of the 15th century as a painter with an extremely individual style for the understanding of art at that time. The Venetian artist was able to give a personal touch to the civilized style of the Renaissance, which seemed unusually expressionistic for a person of his time. A famous work by the Italian is "The Virgin enthroned with Child and Saints" from 1491, which today belongs to the Stiftung Preußisches Kulturgut (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) and can be seen in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin.

Crivelli was the son of a painter: his love of painting was thus already in his cradle. His teachers Jacopo Bellini and the brothers Antonio and Bartolomeo Vivarini had a decisive influence on his painting style. Their paintings were characterized by soft, rounded figures, clear models, realistic details and rough ornaments. Later Carlo Crivelli became acquainted with the linearism of the Paduan tradition. It is possible that he was familiar with the works of the most famous artist Andrea Mantegna, also an important painter of the 15th century. Artists of linearism placed particular emphasis on a precise linear definition of form, which can also be seen in Crivelli's works. The Italian artist was also ahead of his time in private matters: it is documented that in 1457 Crivelli had to serve a prison sentence in Venice for having an affair with a married woman. This prompted him to leave the city, which in his eyes was backward, forever, especially since he no longer had a good reputation there due to his misdemeanor. As a result, he mainly worked in the cities of the Provincia di Ancona south of Venice and, due to the provincial seclusion, had little contact with important artistic movements.
Br/> Crivelli's works were exclusively religious in content. His classical, realistic figures and his symmetrical compositions followed the artistic conventions of Renaissance painting. The extraordinary thing about his art is that Crivelli was able to give his works a personal expression that is very sensual. He painted the figures and their clothing with an almost unbelievable obsession for detail. Tightly packed, magnificent ornaments nevertheless leave room for a unique use of sharp contours around each form. In addition, the excessive paleness and flawlessness of the skin lend Crivelli's works an almost three-dimensional intensity. Mostly the characters appear thoughtful and dreamy or full of sorrow and worry. The eccentric religious intensity of Crivelli's work can be felt right down to the gestures of his slender hands and fingers.

Carlo Crivelli

  August 7, 1500
   •   Early Renaissance   •   Wikipedia: Carlo Crivelli

Carlo Crivelli lived in Italy at the end of the 15th century as a painter with an extremely individual style for the understanding of art at that time. The Venetian artist was able to give a personal touch to the civilized style of the Renaissance, which seemed unusually expressionistic for a person of his time. A famous work by the Italian is "The Virgin enthroned with Child and Saints" from 1491, which today belongs to the Stiftung Preußisches Kulturgut (Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation) and can be seen in the Gemäldegalerie in Berlin.

Crivelli was the son of a painter: his love of painting was thus already in his cradle. His teachers Jacopo Bellini and the brothers Antonio and Bartolomeo Vivarini had a decisive influence on his painting style. Their paintings were characterized by soft, rounded figures, clear models, realistic details and rough ornaments. Later Carlo Crivelli became acquainted with the linearism of the Paduan tradition. It is possible that he was familiar with the works of the most famous artist Andrea Mantegna, also an important painter of the 15th century. Artists of linearism placed particular emphasis on a precise linear definition of form, which can also be seen in Crivelli's works. The Italian artist was also ahead of his time in private matters: it is documented that in 1457 Crivelli had to serve a prison sentence in Venice for having an affair with a married woman. This prompted him to leave the city, which in his eyes was backward, forever, especially since he no longer had a good reputation there due to his misdemeanor. As a result, he mainly worked in the cities of the Provincia di Ancona south of Venice and, due to the provincial seclusion, had little contact with important artistic movements.
Br/> Crivelli's works were exclusively religious in content. His classical, realistic figures and his symmetrical compositions followed the artistic conventions of Renaissance painting. The extraordinary thing about his art is that Crivelli was able to give his works a personal expression that is very sensual. He painted the figures and their clothing with an almost unbelievable obsession for detail. Tightly packed, magnificent ornaments nevertheless leave room for a unique use of sharp contours around each form. In addition, the excessive paleness and flawlessness of the skin lend Crivelli's works an almost three-dimensional intensity. Mostly the characters appear thoughtful and dreamy or full of sorrow and worry. The eccentric religious intensity of Crivelli's work can be felt right down to the gestures of his slender hands and fingers.

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Personalizing your art print at Meisterdrucke is a simple and intuitive process that allows you to design an artwork exactly to your specifications: Choose a frame, determine the image size, decide on a printing medium, and add suitable glazing or a stretcher frame. We also offer customization options such as mats, fillets, and spacers. Our customer service is available to help you design your perfect artwork.

At Meisterdrucke, you have the fascinating option to visualize the artwork you configured directly in your own space. For a tailored preview, simply upload a photo of your room and let the artwork appear on it. If you visit us via a mobile device, be it a phone or tablet, our augmented reality feature brings the image to life and seamlessly projects it into your space. An experience that uniquely combines art and technology.

Choosing the medium is often a matter of personal taste. To give you a clearer idea, we have provided some images for each medium. For a holistic experience, we also offer you a sample set of all paper variants so you can make a decision not just visually but also haptically. You can take advantage of the sample set free of charge – only the shipping costs will apply. You can order the sample set directly.

Do not worry. At Meisterdrucke, we do not proceed mechanically. We manually review each order. If there are any inconsistencies or peculiarities in the configuration, we will immediately contact you. Of course, our courteous and patient support is always at your side to assist you with the configuration. Together with you, we adjust your image by phone or email so that the final result exactly meets your expectations.

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+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00

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Are you interested in an art print from our manufactory but still unsure? Do you need advice on choosing the medium or help with the order?

Our experts are happy to assist you.

+43 4257 29415
Mo-Do: 7:00 - 16:00 | Fr: 7:00 - 13:00


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        +43 4257 29415
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