Funny Commands In Linux

Funny Commands In Linux

Hey guys, Do you know there are some funny commands in Linux. Linux command line can perform any complex task very easily and with perfection and can be interesting and joyful. The commands we are going to see are those interesting commands which can show you the beauty and the magic of command line. These commands make the objects with the special symbols and alpha-numeric patterns.

So let's see the commands,

| cowsay Command

Cowsay is a command that displays a cow using ASCII characters in the terminal. And by using this command you can instruct the cow to say anything you want. which is useful in the output of the desired text with an animated character cow.

Let's see how to install and use cowsay command :-

# yum install cowsay    //to install cowsay files

# cowsay -l             //to see the animals available with the                    

#cowsay -l shows the list of animals available with cowsay command

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there are many animals available with cowsay command like, bunny, dragon, elephant, elephant-in-snake eyes, flaming-sheep, fox, ghostbusters and many more. The default animal is set to cow with this command. Let's see how to use the cowsay command.

# cowsay <"Text to print">

Let's see the example.

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If we want to change the animals given in the list. We can use cowfile with -f options, Like

Dragon :-

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Elephant :-

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Turtle :-

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| cmatrix command

#cmatrix is a command which creates the visual down falling matrix with numbers,letters and symbols. To install this we can use ,

$sudo yum install cmatrix   //to install the cmatrix

$cmatrix                    //to run the matrix shown like below
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| banner command

This command creates the banner like structure of text we want to be printed shown like below. To install and run this we can follow the syntax given below.

$ yum install banner                   //To install banner packages

$ banner <text to be printed>         //Creates the banner with the text
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| sl command

#sl command shows the running steam locomotive engine with symbols.

$ sudo yum install sl                   //to install sl package

$ sl                        //this shows running steam locomotive engine in CLI
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| pv command

#pv command is used to show text in marquee. We have to pass the string to pv command for printing the text in marquee format

To do this we don't have to install any package. We can directly pass the string to pv with echo command.# echo <"Text to be printed">| pv qL 10

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| fire command

Do you know what? we also can burn a fire on CLI command line. To do this we have to install libaa-bin which is a art library in linux with which we can show the fire like structure with symbols.

# yum install libaa-bin            //to install the art library in linux

# aafire                           //to burn the fire in linux CLI
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| yes command

Here is a yes command which we can use to print anything for infinite times. This command will print the text given to is for infinite time until we stop it manually with ctrl+c.

# yes <Text to be printed>      

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These are some commands we can use to have some fun with. So,

Keep Learning!

Thank You

Swaroop Shinde

1x Red Hat Certified (EX180) ★ DevOps enthusiast ★ Docker ★ Ansible ★ Terraform ★ Jenkins ★ Linux ★ Kubernetes ★ Git-Github ★ Cloud Computing




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