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Long Distance Hikes

Northern Sweden’s famous Kungsleden — trekking in Swedish Lapland

Long Distance Hikes

Northern Sweden’s famous Kungsleden — trekking in Swedish Lapland


Northern Sweden’s famous Kungsleden — trekking in Swedish Lapland

Hiking Collection by COUCHFLUCHT

9 Tours

31:03 h

112 km

1,720 m

The Kungsleden – the King's Trail – is probably Sweden's longest and most famous long-distance hiking trail. I’ve dreamed of hiking in Swedish Lapland for a long time and finally made this dream come true in September 2021.

Directly following the Padjelantaleden route, which leads from Kvikkjokk to Ritsem (see separate collection: komoot.de/collection/1335733), I joined the Kungsleden from Vakkotavare and hiked it in eight stages to Abiskobis.

While most hikers head from north to south and then turn off at Singi in the direction of Nikkaluokta, I chose the opposite direction and skipped the detour to Kebnekaise. I had planned to spend the night in my tent but the weather became really uncomfortable and the early onset of winter caught me by surprise, so I decided to spend the night in the huts of the STF.

My stages from hut to hut are relatively short and doable, even for beginners. I wanted to enjoy this path intentionally and took a lot of time for breaks and photos to really immerse myself in the unique atmosphere of Lapland.

Yes, the trail is something of a classic and well frequented, especially between Abisko and Singi, but there is still more than enough space for everyone. The vastness of the landscape in the far north is simply incredible, with intense bright colors in early autumn, which are surreal in their beauty. For me, it was definitely an unforgettable experience!

Check out my Collection and maybe you’d like to do it too! 🥾

On The Map



  1. 👑 Kungsleden 👑 | Vakkotavare - Teusajaure

    14.7 km
    3.4 km/h
    440 m
    440 m

    So from now on we go on alone, which is quite strange at first. 😱


    From the STF mountain station in Ritsem I take the bus to Vakkotavare for about an hour. There I get on the northern Kungsleden, the last eight stages of which should lead me up north to Abisko.


    The vast majority of hikers take the path

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  2. 02:33
    8.40 km
    3.3 km/h
    250 m
    190 m

    Mixed weather today. "Something of everything" is on the weather map today. 😉 Sometimes the sun peeks out and illuminates part of the landscape, then another cold shower from above, in front or from the side, depending on nature's mood. But it is precisely this wild and unpredictable nature that somehow

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  4. 03:17
    12.2 km
    3.7 km/h
    170 m
    60 m

    Fresh snow! When I wake up in the morning, the mountains are dusted with powdered sugar again. What is not by chance: It's cold, it's wet, it's uncomfortable!


    Sometimes the rain lashes mercilessly in my face. But the weather changes just as quickly. It is simply unpredictable and sometimes not that easy

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  5. How much I loved this stage !!! 🙏❤️🙏


    And that in spite of all adverse weather conditions! All the rain, snow and even small hailstones, some of which the wind blew painfully in my face, could not affect my enthusiasm. 😍


    The contrast between the bright autumn colors in the fells and the snow-capped mountains

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  6. Actually, I didn't want to do anything else on my day off today than just lie lazily in my sleeping bag. I managed that for quite a while 😜. But then I still got bumblebees in my butt and just wanted to get out again briefly, take a few steps towards the Nallo hut.


    And what can I say, as soon as I got

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  7. 03:32
    12.7 km
    3.6 km/h
    260 m
    120 m

    Let it snow! ☃️🙈❄️


    Not even really digested last night's northern lights, today we go straight to the next adventure!


    The Tjäktja pass, which at 1,150 meters marks the highest point of the Kungsleden, is waiting for me. And I have to admit that I'm pretty excited. In my hiking guide it says that the ascent

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  8. 03:37
    13.2 km
    3.7 km/h
    90 m
    310 m

    Phew, somehow today is not my day ...! And there isn't even any good reason for it. The landscape remains spectacularly beautiful, vast and vast. But somehow I feel totally exhausted and can't make any headway.


    It all starts with the fact that when I start at the Tjäktja hut I don't feel like going back

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  9. 05:24
    20.3 km
    3.8 km/h
    90 m
    370 m

    This is the longest of my eight stages on the Kungsleden. Normally I could have shortened the first four kilometers along the Alesjaure river bank with an STF water taxi, but that no longer drove due to the end of the season.


    But that wasn't bad at all. On the contrary! I found the route along the lake

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  10. 03:34
    13.7 km
    3.8 km/h
    20 m
    150 m

    Ok, the time has come. This is my last stage on the Kungsleden, and admittedly I am quite melancholy and wistful when I leave Abiskojaure in the morning. The weather also depresses my mood, it rains sometimes more, sometimes less. And to be honest, it's not that I'm particularly looking forward to civilization

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Collection Stats

  • Tours
  • Distance
    112 km
  • Duration
    31:03 h
  • Elevation
    1,720 m

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