Bombus monticola Queen.

Bombus monticola Queen.

Observation - Bombus monticola Queen. - UK and Ireland. Description: I was looking for overwintering Ichneumonid wasps when I found this Bombus Queen instead.I took a fe

I was looking for overwintering Ichneumonid wasps when I found this Bombus Queen instead.I took a few quick photos and tucked her back up in her chosen spot. Under moss on top of one of the stones forming a wall on one of the longhouses in an old settlement - Ach' Mhaire Mhoir:
The red covers so much of the abdomen (yellowing at the top) - it looks like Bombus monticola to me - habitat fits too.
I should add that I did find a couple of Ichneumonidae in Glen Tilt but not here.