Whisky dick is a term people use to describe alcohol-related erectile dysfunction — when someone is too intoxicated to get or stay hard. It’s not usually anything to worry about, just a sign to reign in the drinking.

Whisky dick is what happens when you have a few too many drinks, are ready to do the deed, but then can’t get it up when it’s actually time.

Yep! It’s referred to as alcohol-related erectile dysfunction (ED). It’s sometimes also called alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction.

Alcohol is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant. When you drink, it has a slowing effect on your brain and has significant effects on most other organs, including the penis.

It can slow your reaction time, make it difficult to focus or concentrate, and impair your coordination. Not exactly the makings of a stellar sexual performance.

Add to that list a decrease in blood flow to the penis and increase in angiotensin — a hormone linked to ED — and you’ve got yourself a case of whiskey dick.

Both! Basically, if your brain slows down and craps out, so will the rest of your body. Drinking too much eventually has a sedating effect. When this happens, not you or your member will be able to get up.

As a matter of fact, yes. People refer to it as “whiskey clit” and “whiskey vagina,” though there doesn’t appear to be a clinical term for it specifically. Doesn’t make it any less real!

Alcohol may be a total social lubricant, but a vaginal one not so much. During arousal, blood flow increases to the genitals, making them swell and self-lubricate in anticipation of intercourse or outercourse.

Booze interferes with this process. Even if a person is turned on, they’ll have trouble getting wet.

Furthermore, alcohol affects orgasms, causing them to be less intense and take longer to come, if they come at all.

It’s hard to say. Everyone metabolizes and reacts to alcohol differently.

There are also a number of other factors that influence how alcohol affects you, including:

  • how much you’ve had
  • your total blood alcohol level
  • body composition
  • other medications or drugs you’ve taken
  • how fast you drank
  • whether you’ve eaten
  • how much water you drink
  • your tolerance

Nope. It doesn’t matter what you drink. If it’s got alcohol in it and you drink enough of it, you’ll get whiskey dick.

And the more you drink, the more it will affect your sexual performance.

It’s impossible to say exactly. There are a lot of variables at play that influence how long you feel the effects of alcohol. And even if you think you feel fine, it doesn’t mean your body’s ready to perform.

Your body needs to metabolize the alcohol, and there’s no predicting how long that will take.

Probably not. Sleeping it off and keeping yourself hydrated are your best bet.

Anyone who partakes in the occasional libation has probably had a night turn into a flop after having one too many. The first order of business is to not freak out, but we get how awkward it can be.

Here are some ways to get through it, whether it’s happening to you or your partner.

If it’s happening to you

When whiskey dick rears its flaccid head just as you’re about to get busy, your gut might tell you to get outta there. You could, but there are better ways to deal.

In most situations, honesty is the best policy. Be upfront. Let them know it’s just not going to happen because the booze is hitting you harder than expected.

Ideally, they’re totally cool with it, appreciate your honesty, and you laugh it off.

Another option is to avoid the whole “I can’t get it up” talk by forgetting about intercourse and any penis-centric activities and pitch another way.

It’ll be awfully hard to be upset with you while they’re having a screaming orgasm courtesy of your mouth or hands.

As long as they’re into it, switch gears with some erogenous play or oral sex instead.

If it’s happening to your partner

It’s totally frustrating to have someone get you all hot and bothered only to have them leave you with blue balls or ovaries because they overindulged. We feel ya! But you can’t take it personally.

Whiskey dick isn’t a reflection of their attraction or feelings toward you. It’s a natural response to too much alcohol. They’re probably even more bummed about it than you are, not to mention embarrassed.

The best thing you can do is let it go and not make them feel bad about it.

Avoid trying to help start the D back up again. It’s not a dead car battery. Trying could just make them feel worse.

Follow their lead. If you’re both still in the mood for sexy time, try sex that doesn’t require an erection. Oral and some hand/finger action can get the job done, no boner needed.

While there’s no one specific drink that will ward off whiskey dick, having a lower blood alcohol level will make it less likely to happen.

Opt for drinks with lower alcohol content, such as beer, malt liquor, and certain wines, such as muscat white wines.

Sure! Not drinking alcohol is a surefire way to prevent it.

But if you still want to partake, the key is to do so without getting too intoxicated. It may help to:

  • Eat before you drink.
  • Set a limit for yourself.
  • Alternate between alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks.
  • Drink slowly. Sip instead of gulping or chugging.
  • Avoid mixing alcohol with medications, weed, or other drugs.

If you have the occasional “oops” moment and end up drinking a little more than you should and can’t get it up, chances are it’s nothing to worry about.

If you have trouble getting hard when you don’t drink or when you drink a small amount, consider talking to your doctor.

Your penis can give your doctor clues about other aspects of your health.

ED is sometimes a sign of an underlying physical or psychological condition. Other causes include some medications, relationship issues, and certain lifestyle habits like smoking.

The Mayo Clinic recommends seeing a doctor if:

Whiskey dick is real and happens to the best of us. Alcohol and sex can be a good mix, as long as it’s used in moderation and enjoyed between consenting adults.

If you happen to find your spirit is willing but your flesh is weak after drinking, don’t let it get you down. Laugh it off, or find another equally pleasurable way to ride it out.

Adrienne Santos-Longhurst is a freelance writer and author who has written extensively on all things health and lifestyle for more than a decade. When she’s not holed-up in her writing shed researching an article or off interviewing health professionals, she can be found frolicking around her beach town with husband and dogs in tow or splashing about the lake trying to master the stand-up paddle board.