RPD: Fake $100 bills circulating

Todd Clausen
  • Rochester police has a new warning about counterfeit money circulating in the area.

The Rochester Police Department has put out a new warning about an increase of counterfeit money circulating in the area in recent weeks.

Rochester police have put out a new warning about counterfeit money circulating in the area.

It said that $1 bills are being turned into fake $100 bills through a "washing" and printing process using real fabric that renders counterfeit detecting pens useless.

Counterfeiters are putting clear tape over the bills' blue security strip to give it the feel of a $100 bill, police said.

Another warning about counterfeit money was issued last month in a newsletter from Rochester Police Department's Economic Crimes Unit, which said fake money was among the top three financial crimes in the first quarter of the year.

RPD: Watch out for fake money circulating in Rochester

Stolen purses and wallets and scams were other top reasons, too. The report said there has been a particular increase in bills marked with "Motion Picture Use Only."

It also said holders should note the feel of bills, adding that U.S. currency is 75 percent cotton and 25 percent linen, so it should not tear easily or feel like paper. It should feel slightly rough.

Also, holders can tilt the bill to see if the ink on the numbers in the right corner change color.  New notes should change from copper to green. Color changing bells and a 3D security ribbon should appear on $100 bills when tilted. A watermark and security thread will appear on the bill when held to light.

Rochester police said more information on the security features of U.S. currency can be found at