Debris Hut Shelter


Right here we have a Debris Hut, the design consists of a long center piece (the longer branch at the top of the picture below), and two of long pieces supporting the end of the center piece with an upside down “v” shape, you of course latch them together at the end with some string. Then, next step is laying branches very close together going all the way down the center piece shaft, getting consecutively smaller as you go down. The branches must be close together in order for the next step to work. After all the pieces are set, just start to pile tons and tons leaves on each side. What I usually do in order to save time is I carry one of those big black trash bags with me so I can transport the leaves better than just with my hands. When I say tons I mean tons, usually almost 2 to 3 feet of “debris” on top; just anything that is on the ground. Once you’ve got 2 to 3 feet of leaves and debris, you’re set and I believe me I can testify to it’s coziness.


I remember one time it started to rain while I was sleeping in this thing and I was like “Crap!” But then I was surprised to see that no rain was getting through, and it was pouring down outside. It was actually pretty cozy, especially with the low fire right there at the base of the shelter. I really like this shelter because it is comfortable and spacious as well as inconspicuous, check out a side picture:

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