Sanctum 2

Sanctum 2

89 ratings
A Comprehensive Easter Egg Guide
By «NF» RuneStorm 🅳🅴🆅
This informative guide covers almost every easter egg and includes a step by step tutorial. (including Game In A Game achievement)

In this (hopefully soon comprehensive) guide I want to show you every easter egg I found in Sanctum 2 so far.

I haven't finished Sanctum 2 completely as of yet but so far I have found a lot of easter eggs that I want to share with you.

If you know of any other easter eggs that are not listed in this guide, please let me know!

There is one Easter Egg in "Outpost" that I need to explain further.

I will add the "Game in a game" later this day. So far I found one in "Park", "Construction Site", "Roadworks" and "Train Station" if you happen to know of other "Game in a Game" spots please let me know. :)
Sanctum 1 strawbeery book in The Gate
This one can be reached on multiple ways but I'll just show you the easiest one.

Start at the spawn and move towards the core, make a left and walk to the tree near the railing. Jump on the railing and then make another jump on the ledge, it's possible with every character (but of course it's a bit easier with Skye / double jump perk).

Once you are on top, just go to one of the tables next to some sun loungers.
(Note: Sanctum 1 players who discovered a specific easter egg should remember this book)
Lord of the Rings Reference in Bio Lab
This easter egg can be found on "Bio Lab" and it's fairly easy to find.
(Thanks to Hazardous Fox for pointing that one out, I never knew that the explorer actually said anything, since I first thought that he just shouted something random.)

When you spawn, run toward the first Lumen spawn.

After passing the doorway, turn left.
You should see an explosion, after said explosion, walk toward the ledge of the destroyed railings.

There is a Explorer hanging at the ledge, just when he is about to fall to his certain death he shouts.
"Fly, you fools!" Which is a reference to the first Lord of the Rings movie.

If you don't know what specific scene is meant, it's where Gandalf fights against the Balrok.
Secret area in Bio Lab
This easter egg can be found on "Bio Lab" and is pretty easy.

When you spawn, get behind the right glass wall by simply walking around it, there is a red button on the desk, push it (press"F").

It will open up a door on the right side in the room you are in.

Walk down the corridor, and you will end up in a secret room with a dead walker and another code.
Secret area in Com Tower
This one can be found on "Com Tower" and it's pretty easy to find.
(Thanks to Nymanthe1st for that obvious secret that I overlooked.)

When you spawn, turn around and press the button next to the door.

There is nothing really of interest in there, but in a room at the end of the corridor is a small poster with some drawings on it.
Secret camp in Outpost
This Easter Egg needs to be further explained.

On the left side of the Lume spawn are some rocks, try to jump on them and reach the top of those rocks, head to the left and you'll see a metal plate on the side of the waterfall, jump on it and walk across the beach until you hit a camp.

Climb up those rocks, it's tricky but possible.

That's the camp.

In the tent is a small display with some random numbers on it (or is it a code? I found several of them, scattered all over the maps.)
Walker smashing an arcade in Canopy
This one can be found in "Canopy" and is fairly easy to find. (Thanks to MARK2580[RU] for pointing me in the right direction.)

It's located near the jump pads on the left side at the middle tower. There is a door next to those jump pads, approach the door and press "F".

Now simply walk -through- the door.
Work you piece of wooden arcade!

Enjoy your angry walker pup.
Dancing Llamas in Canopy
This easter egg is requires Skye with the "Rymdskor" perk (the perk that allows double jump (and tripple jump with skye))

This one is a bit tricky but it's totally worth it.

First, turn around and jump on the support frames (that do not really support anything) follow them until you reach the central building.

On the left is a pipe sticking out of the building, jump on it (that's why you need skye + rymdskor, could also work with sweet with rymdskor and additional air control perk, but I haven't tried it out yet)

When you are on top of the pipe, turn right, you should see a small button on top of a tower, jump on the tower and press the button.

Once you pressed the button you will hear a "blip" sound, now jump down and get to the west side of the central building. Follow the catwalk that goes to a lower level.

Step in the now open door and enjoy the show, I don't want to spoil it for you, just do it yourself :)
Disco Llamas™
Game in a game - Park
On the level "Park" get past the right side of the core and look to the right building, you can enter it.

Enter this building called "The Diamond Pick" (tbh is this a Minecraft reference?)

Once you are inside, turn right and you should see 3 Arcades,

approach the middle one and press F to play some good ol' snake :)
Game In A Game - Roadworks
This easter egg can be found in "Roadworks" and I suggest you take sweet with air control and double jump perk. (Haven't managed to reach the other side with skye with double jump and air control perk, seems like sweet flys further with the additional air control)

(Big thanks to ahiahiah for this one.)

First go to the east side of the map, (about the same height as the core on the map) and look for a large cylindrical tube. Jump on it and go to the upper ledge.

This is the vent you have to jump on.

This is the area you get propelled toward.

Once on the other side, you have to jump down this hole.

In this room is another code and a "Game In A Game" where you can play "Pung!" (totally not pong)
The AI in Pung! is pretty easy to trick, just hit the ball with the edge of your bat.
Secret Codes in Sanctum 2
(Thanks to ShadowSpectre for allowing me to use his codes that he posted in this discussion)

Currently no one has any clue what those codes mean, but hey they are hidden therefore it's a secret.

Those codes can be entered here: for background information about Sanctum 2.

1. Park - - - J542FD56

2. Biolab - - - 6XK56SD8

4. Construction Site - - - 52DG7DF

5. Com Tower - - - JF58FTR5

6. Cliff Lodge - - - DJ53454H

7. Outpost - - - DF56SFD4

8. Train Station - - - F4JG54GH

10. Roadworks - - - 546DKKD4

As of now, it seems like there are no codes in

3. The Gate
9. Canopy
11. Abandoned Lab
12. The Depths
13. The Labyrinth
14. The Wilderness
15. The End

or at least nobody found one, if you happen to know of other codes, please let me know.
These might not be "real" easter eggs but they are still noteworthy.

Space Odyssey Reference

This one might not be a real easter egg but it's still a funny reference.

It can be found in the very first level "Introduction" aka the tutorial level.
Some of you might have seen this since it's not hidden at all.

It's a reference to the movie "2001: A Space Odyssey" more specific it's a quote from HAL 9000.
Seems like HAL works for the Lumes

How to get there.
When you spawn, move through the first room, and proceed upstairs to the first door, when you step through the door you'll notice a guy working on a panel next to a door. Instead of moving onward, take a closer look at the Panel.


Sanctum 1 Loading Screens

This is something that only players of the original sanctum would understand and remember.

This one can also be found in "Introduction" just a little bit further into the level.

Good times.

How to get there.
This one isn't really hidden either, simply proceed on the normal path, at one point you'll see on your right side a guy running in circles from a walker pup. Turn around that corner and on the left you'll see a scared guy. Just look at the wall behind him.
Draggy Lorde Mar 2, 2021 @ 12:52am 
fairly interesting :btd6thumbsup:
ursahascutepaws Dec 17, 2017 @ 1:52pm 
And that Secret camp in Outpost is actually a "Moonlight kingdom" movie easterr egg.
ursahascutepaws Dec 17, 2017 @ 1:43pm 
In the "Train Station" level one of NPC near the core says famous phrase from "Aliens" movie ("Game Over Man, GAME OVER!"), when he get to fight with Lumes.
Tasthesose Dec 10, 2015 @ 3:41pm 
the guy is not scared he's crying
Lieutenant Emily Dec 18, 2014 @ 1:52am 
Lieutenant Emily Dec 18, 2014 @ 12:59am 
i found a easyer way to get to the book in the gate go to customs behind spawn and go in go through the two doorways and then go to the black part in the wall and walk through it
One Ash Burns Jun 15, 2014 @ 2:08am 
Q2 Jan 28, 2014 @ 9:14am 
There is another Strawberry book in Park (world one level 2). Go to the security checkpoint (building near lume spawn) and go to the side opposite the lume spawn. There is a control panel and a door that can be opened by interacting with the panel. Inside, you find a crying conscript and a strawberry book on the desk.
Jetstream Lamb Jan 28, 2014 @ 8:06am 
i did it by giving my self a triple jump :)
«NF» RuneStorm 🅳🅴🆅  [author] Jan 28, 2014 @ 4:33am 
@DragonBorn Z it works, it took me several tries but when you hit the right angle you land on top of it.