“ Patient with vitamin A deficiency:
Note the “goose-bump" appearance of the back of the arm in this patient. This represents follicular hyperkeratosis, which is an increase in squamous epithelium in the hair follicles.


Patient with vitamin A deficiency: 
Note the “goose-bump" appearance of the back of the arm in this patient. This represents follicular hyperkeratosis, which is an increase in squamous epithelium in the hair follicles.

  1. wickedlittlecritta reblogged this from 3liza
  2. zoeticthoughts reblogged this from 3liza and added:
    Holy shit could this be what I have?
  3. 3liza reblogged this from usmlepathslides and added:
    really. just anyone could have mentioned this at all. any doctor or dermatologist
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