Why do we eat largest citrus fruit pomelo fruit?

James Alex
2 min readSep 14, 2017

what is a pomelo? Pomelo fruit is father of grapefruit. It is the largest member of the citrus family. There are several pomelo health benefits. The pomelo fruit has lot many health benefits such as it boosts your immunity system; it lowers the cramping and balances the blood pressure.It is good for heart health, helps in weight loss and also is anti-cancer.

Nutritional value of Pomelo fruit:

Benefits Of Pomelo Fruit

It has substantial nutrients like vitamin B6 and C and minerals like potassium and magnesium (mg) and the necessary dietary fiber.

Pomelo fruit is a citrus fruit, which represents vitamin C, beta carotene and vitamin B. The fruit of 100 grams contains 30–35 calories only. Here’s how to eat Pomelo easily. Pomelo fruit can be round or oval, smooth or wrinkles proper crust. It can also be colored yellow, depending on the subspecies, the thick bark is a lot of red flesh in the back, and it memorizes you the sweet taste of bitter grapes. Pomelo fruit is eaten like grapes so that it is stripped of the bark and is eaten from inside the fruit. However, grapefruit peel is often used for cocktails. It is an extremely healthy fruit that helps regulate blood pressure in arteriosclerosis, and asthma. Pomelo fruit has amazing benefits and that’s the reason you should eat pomelo.

Pomelo Fruit Health Benefits:

Benefits Of Pomelo Fruit

Hopefully, you can now easily answer What are the benefits of eating pomelo and how to peel pomelo after reading above article.

