More articles for you, which are loved by our visitors and contain exciting information and news on various topics.

Weather in October

While the rest of Europe gets cold quickly, October in Mallorca still boasts high temperatures and sunny skies. It might be the rainiest month of the year for the island, but that's not saying much.

Old Town of Alcúdia

The old town of Alcúdia is a medieval gem in the north of Majorca. The historic centre of Alcúdia is enclosed by an impressive city wall.

Mallorca Naturist Guide

Explore Mallorca's naturist beaches and coves where nude bathing is embraced. Discover the first naturist hotel and prime spots for sun-worshipers. No compulsion to strip off!

Weather Forecast

Is it Sun-Kissed Skies or Sweater Weather in Mallorca Today?

Port d‘Andratx

On the west coast of Mallorca Port d'Andratx is an exclusive harbour town in front of picturesque mountain scenery.

Ballermann in Mallorca

No other beach is better known and more famous than Mallorca's infamous party beach, Balneario 6, known as Ballermann.