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8 Problems Only a an Pekingese Owner Would Understand

Written by: Arlene D.
| Published on June 7, 2023

With their regal demeanor and lion-like appearance, the Pekingese breed is anything but ordinary. And as any Pekingese owner will confirm, they come with an equally extraordinary set of ‘problems’. So, here are eight struggles that only a Pekingese owner would understand.

1. ‘Dog’? Excuse me, I’m Royalty.

As descendants of royal dogs of China, Pekingese are not mere pets; they are aristocrats. Your Pekingese expects royal treatment and might look down on you like you’re the help. Bow down to the furry majesty!

2. The Fur-nado.

Living with a Pekingese means finding their hair on your clothes, in your food, and sometimes, in places you least expect. Your vacuum cleaner will be your best friend, as frequent clean-ups become a part of your life.

3. The Art of Snubbing.

Pekingese are known for their independent nature. This can often translate into them ignoring your calls or commands. You might sometimes wonder if they’re pretending not to hear you or if they’re just giving you the cold shoulder. The struggle is real!

4. The Non-existent Concept of ‘Exercise’.

Walking a Pekingese can be a unique experience, given their exercise intolerance. If you were hoping for a jogging companion, you’re out of luck. Pekingese are more about ‘stroll and sniff’ rather than ‘run and fetch’.

5. Snore Symphony.

A Pekingese doesn’t merely sleep; they snore. Loudly. Their flat faces can produce a snoring sound that’s truly symphonic. Forget peaceful nights; get ready for the full-on nighttime snore orchestra!

6. The Heat Problem.

Due to their heavy double coat and flat faces, Pekingese are not fans of heat. In summer, they transform into little drama queens, panting and sprawling themselves on the coldest tiles they can find.

7. You’ve Got a Roommate, Not a Pet.

Pekingese are known for their dignified demeanor and somewhat aloof nature. They’re not always up for cuddles and kisses; sometimes, they just want their space. It’s like living with a somewhat grumpy, furry roommate.

8. The Pekinese ‘Sass’.

If you thought only cats were sassy, meet a Pekingese. They have an attitude that can give any feline a run for their money. With a toss of their mane and a strut in their walk, Pekingese define sassiness.

Owning a Pekingese is a unique, often hilarious, experience. Their regal bearing, stubborn independence, and that dollop of sass make them a truly one-of-a-kind breed. Yes, they might leave hair everywhere, snore like a freight train, and give you the cold shoulder from time to time, but life with a Pekingese is never dull. It’s a royal rollercoaster ride that Pekingese owners wouldn’t trade for anything.

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