Style Me Vintage!

Hello again, fabulous divas.

So, I recently got a book from the library called “Style Me Vintage!”

It’s basically a step-by-step book on how to style your hair, makeup, and outfit based on a certain era. I’ve been really getting into the vintage look lately, and decided to do a post on that!

FOR STARTERS, I freaking LOVE the 1950s. I love the fashion, the hair, the makeup, the music, and Miss Marilyn Monroe of the silver screen! That was the decade of the hourglass figure…of full skirts, brocade, pearl chokers, long gloves and marvelous cat-eye sunglasses, too!

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I honestly believe I would have loved living in this era. “It was a decade of reawakening, rebellion, discovery and progress.”

The whole birth of the 50’s “look” started with Dior’s Corolle Line of 1947. It basically created a tiny-waisted, full-skirted figure that came to represent the iconic feminine look of the 1950’s.

Plus, prints became bold and beautiful! The poodle skirt was born!

In the UK, Queen Elizabeth II became a huge source of fashion inspiration. Her looks were always finished and feminine, topped off with gloves, brooch, and bag, and a lot of women copied her style.


Also, the material “lucite” was very commonly used in expensive, box-style handbags (which were very popular), and sheer, sexy shoes. Shoes were just beginning to transform into something higher, pointier, and slimmer than ever before!

With makeup, it went right along with fashion. More color! Blues, greens, pinks and violets were popular on the eyes, with corals and pinks on the lips. Eyebrows were sharply defined, tans were in style, and blondes were definitely most-favored.


But who can say no to a FREAKING SEXY-AS-FUDGE BRUNETTE?

Anyway guys, here’s some vintage fashion websites to find some killer pieces! If your looking to add a touch of vintage style to your look, check ’em out ASAP.

Online vintage shops: (A London boutique selling luxury vintage dresses!) (A vintage fashion and accessories website owned by a magazine fashion stylist and editor!) (Where a girl named Natasha sells pretty awesome 50s dresses!) (Mother and daughter-run boutique full of beautiful pieces from around the world, PLUS some vintage wedding gowns!)

SUPER-BIG thanks to the authors of “Style Me Vintage”.

I really really recommend you check out this book if you are interested in vintage fashion.

MWAH!!!! ;}

Gahd I luv ya.


7 thoughts on “Style Me Vintage!

  1. Vintage is not only über great to mix into new trends, but it tells a story of the era it is from! As a vintage lover myself, I always enjoy reading other people’s opinions on their favorite eras. Good job!
