SAAB Fan Shop: Saab 92001 Roadster

We are always looking for matching accessories for our Saab passion. The Saab 92001 Roadster was difficult or unavailable for some time. Sweden has now provided supplies, so it is now available in our Saab Fan Shop. The design is based on the basic shape of an aircraft wing, as was the case with Sixten Sasons Ursaab.

Saab 92001 Roadster
Saab 92001 Roadster

In black, of course, with a wooden bench and a matching steering wheel. Manufactured by Sweden's legendary supplier Playsam, the Roadster is a "must have" for every fan.

The pleasure is not quite cheap, but the quality of the execution is worth every penny in our eyes. Durable and sturdy, typical Saab.

We are currently looking for more Saab fan articles and have several ideas for our shop. Updates and other articles follow from time to time.


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12 years earlier

Hello Tom…

A very nice car, not just for children 😉
Of course, the fun has its price, but it's just a SAAB and not a cheap plastic Bobby Car.

Another question about fan articles I still have. I once saw a Saab gentleman's wristwatch (men's chronograph) with a stainless steel case and a black leather strap (item no. 24444, price 129, - €) in an older brochure in the Saabautohaus. Unfortunately, the brochure was a bit too old and I find nothing on the internet.
Maybe you have a tip, where you could still get such a clock?

Thank you for your answer / help.
Sunny greetings from Görlitz.