Lazy Kate, Kath Smith; Unknown manufacturer; 1970-1980; WY.2007.1.13


Wyndham and District Historical Museum


Lazy Kate, Kath Smith

About this object

This lazy kate belonged to Kath Smith who was a member of the Edendale Spinning Group.

In spinning, a lazy kate is used to hold one or more spools or bobbins in place while the yarn on them is wound off from the side of the bobbin. Typically, a kate consists of multiple rods, which allow the bobbins to spin. Some spinning wheels have built-in kates, although these tend to be more cumbersome to use than free-standing ones.


Unknown manufacturer

Maker Role


Date Made




Place Made


Medium and Materials

organic, processed material, vegetal, wood
organic, processed material, animal, hair, wool, sheep wool
inorganic, processed material, metal, iron

Inscription and Marks

Handwritten in blue pen on base: 'PINCKNEY'


h 300 mm x w 210 mm x d 100 mm

Subject and Association Keywords

Sport and Leisure

Object Type


Object number


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