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Cymbidium orchid is an ornamental flowering plant and kept as an indoor plant and outdoor plant too.

People often found saying that to grow the cymbdium orchid is very tough job, but it is not. In contrary, it is easy to grow.


You need some basic knowledge about this plant as follows:


Plant and their different parts: Basically, Cymbidium orchid plant have three main parts: pseudobulb, leaves and roots and they altogether gives birth to the fourth part i.e. flowers.


1.    Pseudobulb (Stem): Psuedobulb is a swollen part of the Cymbidium orchid plant in which the leaves are/were attached. It is a storehouse of plants, which stores the essential nutrients for the growth and nourishment of the plant.

Types of psuedobulb:

i)   Old-bulb/ Back-bulb (Psuedobulb without leaves): These bulbs are dormant and not much of use for plants. It acts as reservoir of food for the plant in emergencies.

It will be better to leave only one old-bulb with plants and separate all others to grow a new plant, though it takes several years (2-6 yrs.) to bloom.

ii)    Mother-bulb (Psuedobulb with leaves): These bulbs are active and anytime it can give you an opportunity to experience their spectacular flowers.

iii)    Lead (New-bulb): These bulbs are the youngest part of the plant and it takes almost a year to become a 'Mother bulb' and able to bloom.


2.     Leaf: A flat green sword-like part of the plant that is attached to a pseudobulb (stem). It is an important part of plant which makes food (nutrients) for plant from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight by the process of photosynthesis.


3.    Root: Root (fibrous root) is the part of Cymbidium orchid that is normally inside the media, which acts as a support and collects water and nourishment.


4.    Flower: Cymbidium's flower (racemes) is one of the attractive part of the whole plant, from which the seed or fruit (seed-pod) develops, usually having brightly coloured petals in different shape, size and colour. The flowers last about ten weeks. They have a waxy texture. 


Temperature:Temperature requirements for Cymbidium orchids range from cool to medium, but they prefer light. A temperature of between 10 and 30 degrees Celsius (that is 50 to 80 degree Fahrenheit) is ideal. One should however take care not to stress the cymbidium orchids by exposing it to temperatures beyond this range. However, in the latter part of summer it may be wise to have the temperature drop at night to force Cymbidium orchids into bloom. This temperature drop is required to maximize flowering else the buds will turn yellow and drop down if it is too hot at night in summer. (Tip: Keep the orchids cool until the flowers have opened.)


Light: Cymbidium orchids tolerate light levels well. This may be in the form of good morning sun or bright. "dappled" afternoon shade. If you have the Cymbidium orchid indoors you need to take care that it is not placed in a location that catches direct light, but rather place it in a location where they will get enough shade so as to protect the leaves from being scorched. Cymbidium orchids are phototropic and good light will ensure that the stems develop strong and firm which will further reward you with many flower heads that the orchid plant will be able to carry. A lanky long stem will not be able to carry the heavy Cymbidium orchid flower heads.


Moisture and Humidity: Cymbidium orchids require frequent watering. You should thus water it thoroughly; keep the soil (media) moist to touch (not saturated or soggy wet). You certainly do not want to sit with Cymbidium orchids that are inflicted with root rot. Never allow water to collect around the bulbs, and never allow the plants to stand in water.

Humidity will prevent crinkled leaves. Air movement around Cymbidium orchids is also a requirement that should not be overlooked. The bigger the area around the plants, the more air movement (not draught) there will be the sooner the Cymbidium orchid plant will dry out.


Feeding: The Cymbidium orchid plant is known as a hungry plant. They will not flower very well if not fed adequately. Cymbidium orchids should be fed just after every third watering (or about once every two weeks). remember, Cymbidium orchids are watered frequently. use a high nitrogen fertilizer such as 30:10:10 in spring to ensure that you get new growth. In summer this orchid fertilizer should be changed to more general balanced 18:18:18 feed. In the following fall season you need to feed the Cymbidium orchids with high potash-based fertilizer, a blossom booster, -say a 10:30:20 feed. And in winter you must change the feed to half strength general feed at last once a week. heavy watering once every month is necessary to leach accumulated fertilizer salts from the potting medium. You do not want a build-up of undissolved fertilizer in the potting medium. This can cause the Cymbidium orchid roots to burn and result in root rot.


Pest and Diseases: 

  • Mealybugs are a real problem for the Cymbidium orchid cultivator: Wash with soapy water or wipe off with alcohol using cotton swab.

  • Red spider mite can also cause problems. Do mist the top and underside of the leaves regularly.

  • Scale insects: Scrape off. Isolate. If severe, dispose of the Cymbidium orchid plants that are affected the infected.

  • The Cymbidium mosaic virus: Purple ring spots and lines and patterns on the leaves. There is no control for the Cymbidium mosaic virus. Do not take cuttings from infected orchid plants. Destroy the infected orchid plants.


Potting mix and Repotting: The potting mix for the Cymbidium orchids should contain Osmunda, fir tree bark, or even coconut fiber. These will help to keep the plant stable in the pot and allow a free flow of water and air through the pot. Also quite popular to use as potting mixture for Cymbidium orchids, is a mixture of equal parts of medium grade bark and perlite. The perlite is a white mineral substance that will provide aeration for the Cymbidium orchid. The bark-based compost will reduce any risk of rotting. Do not allow them to dry-out completely between watering.

Cymbidium orchids should be repotted every other year in the spring. Flower spikes may have to be remove in order to repot before summer. Do ensure that the new container have enough space to allow two years growth (based on mature bulb size). The psuedobulbs should rest just at the top of the mix and not be buried under the potting mix.




  • Select sturdy, shapely orchid plants with healthy foliage and bright, clear coloured flowers.

  • Check leaf axils for insects.

  • Avoid plants with disease or insect damage.

  • After flowering you should put the Cymbidium orchid plant in bright light.

  • To get the Cymbidium orchids to re-flower you must expose the orchid plant to temperatures below 10 degree Celsius or 55 degree Fahrenheit for three weeks with twelve hours for more of darkness nightly. Then raise temperature temperature and give full sun.

  • If your Cymbidium orchid fails to bloom, place it in brighter location. Cymbidium orchids are not difficult to grow if the necessary requirements are provided to them. It is propagated by rhizome division and is well grown in bright indirect light. Without enough light many Cymbidium orchids will not bloom.

  • The Cymbidium orchid needs high humidity.

  • Fertilize your Cymbidium orchids until they are through blooming.

  • When new growth appears, fertilize with a bloom-booster fertilizer.

  • Cymbidium orchids can be repotted every alternate year or more frequently if the plant has deteriorated due to fungal infections or if rotting has occured with over watering. A Cymbidium orchid plant may sometimes become fairly large and it may be divided or split. However larger the orchid plant, the more flower spikes you can expect.

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