
First Mindmap

Our first mindmap should cover all topics, we would like to write about in our blog. The main topic is business, as you see in the middle. All categories relate somehow to business. Some are even connected with each other, what is useful, because now we can post about different topics but connect it with another post of someone else. During the next weeks we will check, which topics have been blogged about, add new topics and maybe add who has worked on which topic.


Here comes our first update!

Last time we came up with a broad variety of topics which interests us and on which we may blog on in the next weeks. Until now we already covered some of these subtopics. The big leader here is “start-ups / entrepreneurship” with already three posts (The Copycat Effect, Qipoqo – Sharing Work, “Blitzkrieg” – A Business Model) which was supported by a post on marketing in Facebook.
We further covered the gaming industry, conflicts about water, the environment and health.

We have not started to delete any subtopics though, because it is too early to be certain if we are going to adress all the topics we have come up with or not.

It’s going to be interesting!


mindmap 3
So this is the second update of our team mindmap.

Again we added the topics we already blogged about, like e.g. ‘Berlin – The Factory’ or ‘What can teachers learn from games?’. But also, we decided to add small flags standing for each author. The red flags show you all topics, Diana wrote about  during the last weeks. The black flags represent Max, green stands for Fred, Myra goes with the purple flags, blue belongs to Jannes and yellow to Saskia.

Reviewing the last weeks  it becomes obvious that the Instrumentalists have covered various topics. Whereas Max and Fred stick to a certain field – Max blogging on Multimedia and Video Games and Fred is keen on writing about everything that comes along with Entrepreneurship – Diana covered the Marketing and Communication part. Myra, Saskia and Jannes seem to be interested in different topics and they surprise us every week with a new interesting topic they dealt with.

We are pleased to offer a wide variaty of topics and are looking forward to the upcoming weeks.


blab la

And here comes our third and last update.

In the last time our group members have again come up with some really interesting topics. Max was going through a little development: He came from gamification and now posted twice on topics which are more related to psychology and defining goals in life. Diana sticked to her former chosen overall topic marketing and came up with a great post on “product placement in movies”. Saskia has definetely found her topic: Social Media. After she posted on Social Media used at work in December of 2012 she digged deeper into the topic and provided a guideline of how businesses can face the use of Social Media at work. Myra posted twice on Apple and her last post treats the fine program evernote and how she fell in love with it. One can say that Jannes have found his topic in the broad area of industrial development. His two posts on the automobile industry show his interest in this specific branch.

In this specific mindmap we deleted our “old” topics which we thought at the beginning we are going to write about. This makes our mindmap now clearer and provides a better overview of our related topics. It is interesting to observe how our interests have developed over time and how each and every one of us has improved in his way of blogging!

Great job guys!