Noun. ära c. honor, glory; an objectification of praiseworthiness.
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In other languages. Ära ... An era is a period of time that is considered as a single unit. ...the nuclear era.
Overview of all translations · die christliche Ära. the Christian Era. die christliche Ära · eine neue Ära brach an (oder | or od zog herauf). a new era dawned.
Estonian, English. ära. out ▽ ◼◼◼[UK: ˈaʊt] [US: ˈaʊt]. not ▽ ◼◼◼[UK: nɒt] [US: ˈnɑːt]. away ▽ ◼◼◼[UK: ə.ˈweɪ] [US: ə.ˈweɪ].
ära {vb} · volume_up. honor · honour · venerate · worship. volume_up. ära {comm. gen.}.
Ära translations: era, macaw, era, era. Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary.
Wiktionary · time period. era; → Ära; Epoche; · particular period of history. epoch; → Epoche; Ära; · great period in the history of the Earth. age; → Ära; ...
German, English. die Ära [der Ära; die Ären] Substantiv [ˈɛːʀa]. (Ären) era ▽ noun. die Binärarithmetik Substantiv. binary arithmetic