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Based on 70 hours of interviews with Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka (the largest of the five Nazi extermination camps), this book bares the soul of a man who continually found ways to rationalize his role in Hitler's final solution.
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Albert Speer was not only Hitler's architect and armaments minister, but the Fuhrer's closest friend--his "unhappy love.
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Renowned journalist and biographer Gitta Sereny covered the Mary Bell case in the 1960s and wrote about it at the time.
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White examines two plays, Esther Vilar's 'Speer' and David Edgar's 'Albert Speer', performed in London in 1999 and 2000 respectively.
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En alldeles särskild kärlek är både en kärlekshistoria och ett sökande efter självförståelse, berättad med humor. En djupt personlig och men också universell berättelse om minne, tillhörighet och kärlek.
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Gitta Sereny is one of the world's most respected journalists and historians. This book gathers together the best of her writing on Germany from over sixty years.
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Writing with a strong commitment to the lives of these children, she gives us in detail the stories of ten girls and two boys.
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Gitta Sereny is one of the world's most respected journalists and historians. This book gathers together the best of her writing on Germany from over sixty years.