Several factors in addition to temperature may cause differences in phenology. We studied the influence of local environment, plant size, and reproductive ...
Several factors in addition to temperature may cause differences in phenology. We studied the influence of local environment, plant size, and reproductive ...
The results support the view that flowering time of temperate forest herbs is constrained by several environmental factors acting indirectly through effects ...
Oct 24, 2008 · The effect of nutrients shows that a wider range of environmental factors than usually assumed can influence plant phenology. Moreover, local ...
Variation in vegetative and flowering phenology in a forest herb caused by environmental heterogeneity. Johan Dahlgren*, Hugo von Zeipel, Johan Ehrlén.
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html. Create Close. Variation in vegetative and flowering phenology in a forest herb caused by environmental heterogeneity. Dahlgren, Johan. Stockholm ...
1981), environmental heterogeneity may cause optimal trait values to change between episodes or at different stages and sites of colonization. In this case ...
Feb 15, 2022 · Variation in vegetative and flowering phenology in a forest herb caused by environmental heterogeneity. American Journal of Botany, 94, 1570 ...
Earlier modeling has suggested that long distance gene flow is of importance in increasing the adaptability of tree populations in a changing climate.
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2007: Variation in vegetative and flowering phenology in a forest herb caused by environmental heterogeneity American Journal of Botany 94(9): 1570-1576 ...