A tale as old as time, The Legend of the Golden Key is about a beautiful young girl who defies her miserly father and his promise of a fortune in gold and instead chooses to wed her penniless lover. The lovers disappear but what of the fortune?... Google Books
Originally published: 1983
Author: Tom McCaughren
(5) ˇ In stock
Four young boys find adventure involving ghosts and buried treasure when they set out to discover the secret behind the old legend of the golden key.
Trooper, Tommy and their family have just moved to a new town, but they soon discover it's a small town with a mysterious legend...a legend of a Golden Key.
200. The Golden Key. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Once in the wintertime when the snow was very deep, a poor boy had to go out and fetch wood on a sled.
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Trooper, Tommy and their family have just moved to a new town, but they soon discover it's a small town with a mysterious legend; a legend of a Golden Key ...
Four young boys find adventure involving ghosts and buried treasure when they set out to discover the secret behind the old Legend of the Golden Key.
The Golden Key is a fairy tale which is in place 200 of Grimms' Fairy Tales. The Golden Key. Folk tale. Name, The Golden Key.
This movie about a treasure is a treasure itself. It features a story of good triumphing over evil and also about how the things we don't see as treasures in ...
ˇ $5.91
Four young boys find adventure involving ghosts and buried treasure when they set out to discover the secret behind the old Legend of the Golden Key. "synopsis" ...
Apr 15, 2013 ˇ Trooper the bloodhound and his friend, Dash, try to find a hidden golden key that is worth a lot of money.