The Niombo cult among the Babwende, 1967, eballiso2009. citation, Westlind, Nils 1887, Nkanda ubadukulwanga longuka tanga / Läsebok för dem som skola börja att ...
Gods of Fortune: The Cult of the Hand in Nigeria. Exhi- bition ... The Niombo Cult Among the Babwende. Statens Etno- grafiska Museum Monograph ...
The Niombo Cult among the Babwende . Stockholm. : Ethnographical Museum of Sweden . Google Scholar. Copyright © 2024. Duke University Press; 905 W. Main St. Ste ...
The Niombo cult among the Babwende (Ethnographical museum of Sweden,... ... Niombo Begrabnisrituale in Zentralafrika. REIKAT (Andrea ). Seller: COLLINS BOOKS ...
Lån The niombo cult among the Babwende af Ragnar Widman (1914-) som eller bog. Bestil, reserver, lån fra alle danmarks biblioteker.
Brigid M. 2006 . New Directions in Gender and Religion: The Changing Status of Women in African In de pen dent Churches ... The Niombo Cult among the Babwende .
The niombo cult among the Babwende. ... Huom. Teksti on tuotettu koneellisella tekstintunnistuksella ja se saattaa sisältää virheitä. Tämä digitoitu kortti on osa ...
The Niombo Cult Among the Babwende. Stockholm: Etnografiska museet, 1967. Logo WEPA A project of
In African art, there are niombo reliquary dolls made by the Bwende. They are in fact fabric sarcophagi intended for the remains of prestigious chefs.
Missing: cult Babwende
Libris-id - samma som: 502991; Referens: Widman, Ragnar (1967) The Niombo cult among the Babwende. Titel: Widman, Ragnar, 1967. The Niombo cult among the ...