Did you mean: Theaitetos
Title, Teaitetos. Author, Platon. Translated by, Claes Lindskog. Publisher, Nya Doxa, 1996. ISBN, 9188248534, 9789188248534. Length, 123 pages.
As I was going down to the harbor I met Theaetetus being carried to Athens from the camp at Corinth.
This discussion deals with Platos epistemology. Teaitetos answers this about knowledge. “When someone perceives something sensibly, it seems to know it. As far ...
Theaitetos sau Teetet (în greacă veche Θεαίτητος) este un dialog scris de Platon. Dialogul aparține perioadei de bătrânețe a evoluției platonismului alături de ...
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Check 'Teaitetos' translations into Icelandic. Look through examples of Teaitetos translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.
Mycket gott skick. Skyddsomslag i mycket gott skick. Reviderad och kommenterad av Holger Thesleff ; förord av Stig Nystrand.
4, Timaios ; Kritias ; Teaitetos ; Sofisten ; Statsmannen ; Parmenides ; Breven ... Doxa 1985. Show other versions (6). Saved in: Other Titles. Timaios Kritias
Om Teaitetos (1996). I januari 1996 släpptes boken Teaitetos skriven av Platon. Den är skriven pĺ svenska och bestĺr av 128 sidor djupgĺende information om ...
Theaitétos z Atén (iné prepisy: Teaitétos/Teaitetos z Atén; * 5. storočie pred Kr. - 4. storočie pred Kr.) bol významný starogrécky matematik, žiak Teodora ...