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Abisko Scientific Research Station. A research station in a subarctic environment with varied nature attracting scientists from all over the world.
The Swedish Antarctic research programme during the summer season of 2009/10 included the cruise Oden Southern Ocean (OSO) where Swedish and US scientists ...
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The Polar Research Portal presents information about Swedish polar research expeditions from 1999 onwards. Photos, cruise reports and expedition blogs
This portal makes available documentation of the historical remains of the First Swedish Antarctic Expedition on the Antarctic Peninsula.
Swedish Polar Research Secretariat is a government agency that promotes and co-ordinates Swedish polar research. This includes to follow and plan research ...
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SWEDISH ANTARCTIC RESEARCH PROGRAMME 1988/89, A CRUISE REPORT [unknown author] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
Dec 12, 2023 · A research group led by Stockholm University is travelling to Antarctica. The goal is to investigate how the continent's ice sheets have changed historically.