Results: Of 108 included patients, the distance from the nearest margin of the infarct(s) to the SVZ was ≤2 mm in 51/102 patients with visible ischaemic lesions ...
Oct 11, 2012 · Of 108 included patients, the distance from the nearest margin of the infarct(s) to the SVZ was ≤2 mm in 51/102 patients with visible ischaemic ...
Proximity of brain infarcts to regions of endogenous neurogenesis and involvement of striatum in ischaemic stroke · Hossein Delavaran, H. Sjunnesson, +5 authors
Proximity of brain infarcts to regions of endogenous neurogenesis and involvement of striatum in ischaemic stroke. Hossein Delavaran, Håkan Sjunnesson ...
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A bulk of experimental evidence supports the idea that the stroke-damaged adult brain makes an attempt to repair itself by producing new neurons.
In this review, we describe the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying potential adult neurogenesis and review current preclinical and clinical cell- ...
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In this review we summarize the current knowledge regarding the effects of ischemic stroke on neurogenesis in the SVZ and in the SGZ.
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Neurogenesis following ischemic stroke is recognized as a potential mechanism for neuronal recovery. However, endogenous neurogenesis alone is inadequate for ...
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Apr 19, 2018 · Ischemia stroke enhances cell proliferation. Stroke-generated new neurons migrate into the severely damaged area, partly replenish the damaged ...
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This study demonstrates that CVI has the potential to induce endogenous neurogenesis, with significant numbers of both newly generated neurons and precursors ...