Norse people were basically self owning farmers and fishermen, and the farmland was inherited by the first son. The woman took care of the house and a widow could also inherit land, but not vote in the Thing, were the men chose their leaders and upheld their laws.
Jun 19, 2019
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Author, Birgit Sawyer ; Publisher, Viktoria Bokförlag, 1988 ; Original from, the University of Michigan ; Digitized, Jul 9, 2008 ; ISBN, 9186708066, 9789186708061.
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Property and inheritance in Viking Scandinavia : the runic evidence ; Author: Birgit Sawyer ; Edition: View all formats and editions ; Publisher: Viktoria ...
Jul 26, 2012 · Succession was seldom clear-cut in early Medieval Scandanavia. The sagas are rife with disputed inheritances, there being no rule that the ...
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Scandinavian inheritance systems suggest that paternal inheritance rights dominated. However, the present study asserts that the legislation did not necessarily ...
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Fortunately, they often were and many illegitimate sons inherited their father's land and wealth. This even holds true in the royal family, where multiple ...
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