Conclusion: Persistent cTnI elevation occurs frequently late after an ACS. The NT-proBNP level at 6 months was the strongest predictor for elevated cTnI levels ...
Persistent cTnI elevation occurs frequently late after an ACS. The NT-proBNP level at 6 months was the strongest predictor for elevated cTnI levels.
The aim of this study was to assess risk prediction by different biomarkers in patients with an ongoing non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE- ...
Elevated cardiac troponin levels reflect the extent of myocardial damage in acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and are associated with an increased risk for adverse ...
We now have studied the associations of persistently elevated cTnI levels to cardiac performance, inflammation, coagulation, coronary status, and treatment ...
Persistent cTnI elevation occurs frequently late after an ACS. The NT-proBNP level at 6 months was the strongest predictor for elevated cTnI levels that thus ...
Pathophysiologic mechanisms of persistent cardiac troponin I elevation in stabilized patients after an episode of acute coronary syndrome.
Persistent cardiac troponin I elevation in stabilized patients after an episode of acute coronary syndrome predicts adverse long-term outcome. ,. Circulation.
In patients with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome, any troponin elevation is associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular events.
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What are the main causes and mechanisms of increase in cardiac troponin concentrations other than acute myocardial infarction?
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Pathophysiologic mechanisms of persistent cardiac troponin I elevation in stabilized patients after an episode of acute coronary syndrome. by Per Venge. 2008 ...