Jun 16, 2009 · We estimated effects of 11 environmental factors on survival, growth and fertility of the perennial herb Actaea spicata and incorporated ...
People also ask
What is the population dynamics of plants?
How does ecological succession change populations?
The population dynamics predicted by SORTIE are the result of a clear set of physiological, morphological, and life-history traits of the individual tree ...
Oct 24, 2008 · Linking environmental variation to population dynamics is necessary to understand and predict how the environment influences species abundances ...
Feb 1, 2020 · Our results indicate that secondary forest succession can lead to a relative fast recovery of nutrient and carbon cycling functions, but not of soil cover.
Feb 13, 2019 · They found that disturbance severity played a greater role in succession than small-scale influences such as site history and local environment, ...
two fundamental changes in forest dynamics: first, succession is accelerated, ... extremely local neighborhoods—that determine tree population dynamics. Thus ...
Vegetation has been altered by anthropogenic global change drivers including land-use change, altered disturbance regimes, invasive species, and climate change.
Despite seemingly obvious effects of environmental drivers, mechanisms behind long-term changes in plant population sizes over time are often poorly known.
Understanding processes and mechanisms governing changes in plant species along primary successions has been of major importance in ecology.
Ecological succession is a series of progressive changes in the species that make up a community over time.