Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar Article: Limnia, en obekant vext Beskrefven af Carl Linnaeus. Close Dialog ...
Title · Author · Soulsby · Publisher · Year · Limnia, en obekant vext / beskrefven af Carl Linnaeus, Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778, 417, hos Lorentz Ludvig ...
Limnia, en obekant vext. Stockholm, Kongliga. Vetenskapsacademien, 1746. 8vo ... Lidholm, ingifven af Carl Linnĉus. Stockholm, Kongliga.
Limnia, en obekant vext. ... Stockholm, Kongliga Vetenskapsacademien, 1746. 8vo (19.5 x 12.0 cm). 5 pp.; one large, folded engraved plate. Disbound. A seldom-seen ...
Missing: beskrefven af Carl
Limnia, en obekant vext / beskrefven af Carl Linnaeus, Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778, 417, hos Lorentz Ludvig Grefing, p°a des egen bekostnad, 1746, Digital ...
Carl Linnaeus also known after ennoblement in 1761 as Carl von Linné, was a Swedish biologist and physician who formalised binomial nomenclature, ...
Missing: Limnia, obekant vext beskrefven
Linnaeus. Carl Linnaeus. Linnaeus returned to Sweden where first, he practiced medicine in Stockholm. Then, after marrying Sara Lisa Moraea, he became a ...
Missing: Limnia, obekant vext beskrefven af
Carl Linnaeus is famous for his work in taxonomy: the science of identifying, naming and classifying organisms (plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and more).
Missing: Limnia, obekant vext beskrefven af
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