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cookies - dj-rest-auth access token not sent from react font-end to django back-end
Stack Overflow
I'm making an SPA with a React front-end and a Django back-end. For user authentication, I'm using dj_rest_auth , which wraps allauth to...
3 hours ago
Processing 3D Local Rotation
Stack Overflow
So I am trying to emulate a robotic arm in Processing, and have most of it working. The problem I'm having is that the last arm segment...
4 hours ago
r - How to vary the data in a table using gridExtra table
Stack Overflow
Like this? out library(grid) library(gridExtra) # Generate random n and m n <- round(runif(1, 3, 10)) m <- round(runif(1, 11, 18)) # Create...
4 hours ago
linux - Dia with UI glitches on debian 12 with i3
Stack Overflow
I'm using Dia 0.97.3 on debian 12 stable, X11 with i3wm. When viewing the properties of an element, the window appears with glitches (see...
4 hours ago
python 3.x - static assets not found in Django web application
Stack Overflow
I am new to Django. This is my first attempt to set up a project in Django. I have run this application before and all my static files were...
5 hours ago
html - I can't omit the text with the background without filling in the extra borders
Stack Overflow
You need to lower the text down to where the background of a certain color should be, the background itself should be painted over...
6 hours ago
red line under import react-dom/client while having dev-dependency @types/react-dom installed
Stack Overflow
This is the first time doing een project react + typescript. When I run the script it does work and shows up in my browser.
7 hours ago
python - matplotlib - 3D bar chart appears over axis when using zlim
Stack Overflow
When I make a 3D bar chart with Matplotlib and change the z axis limits using ax.set_zlim(newMin, newMax) the part of the bar charts below...
8 hours ago
html - How to copy the final DOM generated by React in the browser inspector
Stack Overflow
I understand that React generates the html code dynamically within a div element identified as #root, therefore if I wanted to see the...
10 hours ago
User DanielBUBU
Stack Overflow
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11 hours ago